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I have recently had the pleasure of interviewing exodus238. A wonderful writer , capturing the readers attention with creative descriptions and good writing. I think my personal favorite was the short story entitled 'Chance Encounter'. Without further ado...on to the interview :).

Where does your inspiration for writing come from?

Life, I guess! I read a lot of books and I decide that I really like how someone did this in that book. I don't like to directly take ideas from other books, that's why I'm not into writing fan fiction. I use a lot of the people around me to help with my characters  - and also people I've seen in films, on TV and so on. I guess inspiration can be found from the most subtle things so it's really hard to pinpoint where it actually comes from!

When was the first time you decided to sit down and write out your thoughts?

I've been writing since I was very little. So I guess I started writing out thoughts when I was about 6. Back then, I would keep a diary of dreams to help me with story ideas and I would also have a notepad which is now filled to the brim with ideas! For the stuff I've put up on here...I would say last January. That's when I decided that my childhood dream wasn't childish anymore - I was going to make it happen. And I then came out with so many ideas for so much stuff - it was almost as if I'd been bottling it all up for years!

How did you end up on Wattpad?

Have you hear of the new published novel The Dark Heroine -Dinner With A Vampire? Well, if not, it's newly published. I saw an interview on TV with the girl who had written it (Abigail Gibbs). She's 18 and headed off to university. Because she was so similar to me, - a teen writing novels - I decided to get in contact with her via Twitter. She was the one who sent me here! She said, if you go anywhere online, go to Wattpad! It's amazing! So I did! And here I am.

What is your current book that you are writing about and what inspired you to write it?

Well, I'm actually writing two! I'm writing a fantasy story (which is a huge work in progress...I edit it so much that I decided not to post much of it on Wattpad). It's called Homeland and will be the first of three. I'm hoping to finish it by next September (when I go to university). Homeland is set on a different land - not earth...like Lord Of The Rings. New societies, new creatures and so on, but it's still very similar to earth. It's about how your blood line (family) can affect you - how their actions, whether they were mistakes or not - can change your life. It's also about finding where you belong and where you feel more comfortable. Without giving too much of the story away, it's basically about finding yourself and growing up! (I still haven't found an easy way to explain it!) My best friend was the original inspiration behind it when she told me that I only read and write boring books. I want to prove her wrong! (She's into fantasy and anything really imaginative).

My main Wattpad novel is called Searching For Kenso. It's about a girl who is addicted to the fast life and screws up her personal life with drugs and alcohol and so on, until she meets Kenso, an old woman who completely changes her whole perspective on life. I've just decided to use this in a month long project - the idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I decided to give it ago -  I have no idea whether I'll succeed or not! Anyways, I was inspired to write this by my old next door neighbours grandma! My old next door neighbour is my age and he was like a brother to me until he and his family moved away. His grandma was the most wild and carefree, lovely and wonderful woman I have ever met! She was called Judy and was amazing! She is who I'll be using as Kenso. I wanted to write this novel for her because, although Kenso doesn't figure much in the story, she plays a huge role in it - influencing the life of my main character like Judy influenced me - and the whole story pivots around her! Judy died recently. It was really hard for everyone who had ever known her. She was life and joy itself. So I am writing this story for her.

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