Ch 12. Leave him

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Taehyung and I haven't really talked about that day when he told me to 'Divorce Logan' and now being 7 months pregnant, I honestly don't think I'm ready to discuss it. And with Christmas approaching our baby's due date, it's getting harder to keep this from my parents since every year I travel to their house with Logan to celebrate with them.

I wonder what lie I can come up with now


Taehyung told me that he was going to have a meeting today in his downstairs dining room and I should try not to disturb him which is the last thing I want to do since it was an important one that he has once a year.

Getting a little hungry, I decided to sneak my way to the kitchen. I stand up to my feet and head out my room. Walking down the stairs not wanting to disturb him, I start to walk by the dining room seeing Taehyung sitting down discussing business with a few of his mentors.

 Walking down the stairs not wanting to disturb him, I start to walk by the dining room seeing Taehyung sitting down discussing business with a few of his mentors

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He recently dyed his hair this beautiful brown color and it's looks absolutely breath taking on him. Every time I think he can't surprise me any more, he always ends up proving me wrong

Taehyung: "The company wants to buy my restaurant for twice the price it is"

Advisor: "And I want to say it's a good idea, but your making way more than what their asking for"

Bank Consultant: "But they can end up buying you out only if you lower the amount to your restaurant, which I know you told me your not willing to do since you have a baby on the way. Correct?"

Taehyung: "Correct"

Lawyer: "The best thing you can do right now is take notes of what the company emails you and make sure you print out the details that you know would make your case more valuable"

Taehyung: "Ok - but I wanted to discuss something else with you all since I already have you here"

Lawyer: "Go ahead"

Taehyung: "I was thinking of -" getting cut off by his thoughts, our eyes meet as I watch him knits his eyebrows together

"Yes baby?" he says making everyone turn around to look at me. I stand there frozen in place only keeping my eyes on him

"I - umm - just wanted to grab something to eat" he stays quiet just looking at me, raising his eyebrow "Did - did you want something?" he looks away from me and then at everyone else in the room

"Did you fellows want anything?" they all shake their heads followed by a no thank you. I nod while walking away. He did not look happy to see me there especially when he gave me specific reasons to not disturb his meeting.

Heading to the fridge, I pull out a popsicle from the freezer. Taking the wrapper off and placing the popsicle in my mouth, I then turn around to be met by an unhappy Taehyung. Slowly lowering my popsicle from my mouth, he continues to stand there while looking at me

"I didn't mean to interrupt you Taehyung"

"It's fine" he says walking passed me to grab a water bottle from the fridge

"I - I could have brought that to you"

"It's ok. I needed a break. We been at this meeting for over 3 hours now"

"What's the meeting about?" I say looking at him as he takes a sip from his water bottle. Putting the top on his bottle, he then leans into me while plating a kiss on my forehead

"How bout I tell you later?" I smile while nodding. Smiling back, he then walks back to the dining room.


Laying in my bed fast asleep, I'm awaken by a body lowering down on the other side of my bed. Turning over to see Taehyung laying down next to me, he rubs my belly, placing a kiss on my nose

"You look tired"

"I'm exhausted" he says followed by a deep sigh

"How was the meeting?"

"It was good. Great actually"

"Oh yea. How so?" he looks at me with a smile. It then turns into his rare box smile. And when he smiles like that, I know it's something amazing

"I was talking to them about - building one more building - in New York"

"NEW YORK?!?" I yell out while sitting up. I get a chuckle out of him as he nods

"And that's not even the best part Mia baby"

"Ok. Tell me" I start to grow impatient

"I - I want to -"

"You want to what?" I say cutting him off. He grows silent but then laughs at me as he starts to sit up

"I want to name the restaurant after our unborn child" I sit there at a loss for words

A restaurant - after - our unborn child?

A smile starts to form on my face as I cover my mouth. Starting to laugh from excitement I watch as he does the same thing.

"I knew you would love the idea" he says grabbing my hand, raising it to his lips, planting a small kiss on my knuckles

"YES OH MY GOSH I DO!!! But what made you come with that idea?"

"I got tired of naming my restaurants after me and I figured since I'm a having a baby, why not - switch it up"

"But we don't even have a name for our baby yet. We don't even know the sex"

"I know that we are waiting till the baby is born to find out if it's a boy or girl but either way, I can't wait to see our child's name lit up in bright lights" I push him back onto the bed taking him by surprise, climbing on top of him. He gives me a small warning look, knowing he hates when I do too much, not wanting me to hurt myself

"Your going to be an amazing dad" he then rolls me over. Leaning down enough to not hurt the baby while plating a kiss on my lips

"And your going to be an amazing mother" my smile then starts to fade, something Taehyung started to notice "Mia baby - what's wrong?" I look at him, gently pushing him off me making him start to worry "Mia?"

"How am I going to be an amazing mother when we promised to keep me a secret?" he lowers his head while he managed to keep looking at me "Our baby is going to grow up hating me" I say with tears forming in my eyes but feel as Taehyung wraps his arms around me

"No Mia baby. I won't let that happen"

"You don't know what might happen Taehyung. You can tell our child many times how awesome of a mom I am - but if I'm not there to prove it - they might not believe you" he sighs holding me tighter

"I told you what you can do" he says. I look at him with watery eyes "That's your other option" I let out a shaky breath as I start to cry harder. Hiding this secret from my husband is the hardest thing ever and it is the one and only thing I know that will break him if he ever found out

"Mia?" he says my name bringing me out my thoughts "I'm trying to save your marriage cause that's what you wanted me to do. But if you can't leave your baby behind in regret of them hating you" he cups my face making me look into his eyes

"Then leave Logan"

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