Ch:18 I won't let you go this time

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^^^Jin - I love you *cover* (1 hour)^^^
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"My Mia baby" he sides smiles at me from a distance, turning that smile into that rare box smile of his. A smile I grew to love

With nothing but air standing between us being only feet apart, it still feels as if he's standing right in front of me with my body wrapped in his embrace. It hasn't been that long but damn - it felt too damn long away from the man that gave me more than I have ever asked for

And now seeing him looking around at his guards, they smile at one another. Making eye contact with the man that put food on their tables, they bow towards him before going back to their post. He then turns around facing the front double oak doors that held his maids and butlers. The people he would always stay supporting. They too, then look at one another with bigger smiles on their faces. Bowing towards him as well, they turn away and go back to work.

They had no clue I was coming. The moment I showed up in the taxi, I didn't even have to let myself be known. The looks on their faces, they didn't know what to do with their selves. Smiling at me, I watched the gate guard phone the other guards, along with the maids and butlers. And watching from afar as they open the doors and ran to me, I couldn't help but smile at them

"He's upstairs" one maid says "Does he know you're here?"

"No" I shake my head "He doesn't. I kind of just - packed up and came"

"He's going to be so happy to see you. You made him a different person Ms. Mia" a butler says with a big grin on his face

"So, what are we waiting for?" a guard interrupts making us all look at him "Someone has to inform Mr. Kim that someone's here to see him"

"I'll do it" Jeong, one of the maids runs off back into the house but then stops in her tracks turning around "But don't tell him whose here. Just tell him 'Someone's here to see you'" she adds before turning on the balls of her feet and running off

Snapping out of my thoughts, Taehyung stands there looking at me but his eyebrows scrunch in confusion watching as Duri walks up next to me

"Ms. Mia. It really is you"

"Duri - Hi" I turn to him, bowing as he does the same

"It's so nice to see you again. And might I say, you look absolutely lovely on this late evening" he says making me smile as I run my hands down my sun dress covered by my long black coat

"Thank you so much Duri" he smiles back with a small nod

"I was informed by a guard that your clothes are in the trunk. Did you want me to bring them inside?"

"That would be amazing Duri" I look back at Taehyung "I even have the rest of my things shipping out here, if that's ok with you - Taehyung?"

Smiling at me, he licks his lips while looking away while he tries not to cry in front of me, struggling to hold in those tears that he barely showcased, but he fails when he shakes his head looking back at me. With a foot leaving the spot he was glued in since I showed up, his walks turned into power walking down the stairs, which then turn into jogs. And now running towards me, he quickly but gently scoops me up into his frame, lifting me up as he spins us around a few times

"Mia baby" he mumbles my name into my hair making me wrap my arms tighter around his neck hugging him back with the same force of affection "Of course that's ok with me" he whispers. Putting me back on the ground, he slowly breaks the hug, looking at me wondering if me being here was a dream or not by raising his hand to slide it across my cheek. He then closes his eyes before opening them again "You're really here"

"Can I be here?" I ask. Not saying a word, he keeps his eyes on me. But watching him wrap his arms around my waist pulling me into another hug, I let him, feeling his fingers interlock on my lower back. Placing a small but passionate kiss on my lips that I yearned for. I inhale then exhale knowing how much I missed his touch

"Mia baby. This is your home just as much as it is mine"


With my hand intertwined through his fingers, he gently pulls me along the long flight of stairs, down the long hallway stopping directly in front of Kyro's room. Getting the attention of Jeong, she looks back down at the crib and then smiles at Taehyung

"He's sleeping" she says walking towards us. Looking at me, I look at her when she then pulls me into a hug "It's nice to have you back Ms. Mia. It's been so quiet here with only little Kyro's cries and laughter filling empty spaces in this home"

"It feels great to be back" I say as we finally break the hug. She turns to Taehyung, bowing, getting a small nod from him. I watch as she walks away but turn back around to see that Taehyung was already looking at me. He looks down at our hands before smiling to himself, capturing them into a comfortable grip. Raising them to his lips, he keeps his strong eye contact on mine, planting a kiss on my knuckles

"I called you everyday" he whispers "I was so worried about you"

"I know" I smile up at him "I'm sorry Taehyung"

"You don't need to apologize. I'm just happy your here now" he whispers with his lips still on the back of my hand as his eyes slowly close

"Me too" I say seeing as he opens his eyes, his chocolate pupils staring deep into my soul

"I'm not letting you go this time. Or ever. You hear me?" he says bringing my hand down, walking closer to me, closing the gap that was once between us. I raise my head to stare up at his full height seeing as he looks down at me with his curly hair covering his eyes. Those eyes that are telling me the truth "Do you hear me, Mia? I will put up one hell of a fight if you walk away from me again"

The day I left Kyro and Taehyung behind was the hardest. Wearing a hat and a mask with a long coat and scarf wrapped around his neck, he held me so close to his body as I did with him. It broke me just thinking about the way he looked when I walked away from him. He wiped his eyes, and I knew he was crying just as hard as I was. And with his head hanging low, he turned back to the car, getting back inside. Every time I turned back to look to see if he was still there, he was. Even with the windows all the way up with his dark presidential tint, I couldn't even see him, but I knew his eyes were on me, and only me. He stayed in the car not wanting to give people the satisfaction of his business getting in the media. But he made sure to watch me until we both could no longer see each other

"I'm not going anywhere this time Taehyung. You're my home. You and Kyro - are my home" I feel a tear leave my eye that he quickly wipes away with his thumb "Are you going to - ask me - why I'm here?" I ask above a whisper, but he only shakes his head. He doesn't want to know that I caught Stella and Logan together? Or that I left and I'm going to divorce him? Or -

"I love you" he says placing his index finger under my chin taking me out of my thoughts "I'm in love with you Mia Miller. Madly - in love with you" I smile up at him letting a tear fall so freely from my eyes again

"I'm in love with you too - Taehyung Kim" he chuckles hearing me say his name the American way "I'm sorry for leaving you"

"Don't apologize. I knew why you had to leave. I helped you"

"I helped you" I mumble, repeating what he said "You helped me find myself" we keep our eye contact on one another "You helped me realize where I belong"

"And where's that?" he brings his lips close to mine, but we get interrupted by Kyro's grunts that turn into a whine which makes us look that way. Smiling down at me as I smile up at him, he breaks the hug and walks into his room, leaving me to smile at the interaction of him and our son. Lifting him out the crib, he places him gently in his arms on his back, while rocking him slowly and playing with his small fingers. Looking at me, he lifts his arms up some to show me Kyro. Taehyung looks so damn proud. And to say that this all started from him being my last appointment. So, smiling at them both, I end up saying to myself...

"I belong right here"


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