Ch 2. Taken

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"So, it looks like everything checks out. You have a healthy heart, and your lungs are healthy as well." I say to him while I take notes on my paper "Do you have any more questions for me?" I couldn't help but to take my eyes off my notes but end up locking them with two pair of eyes staring at me as if he's in some kind of trance. Waving my pencil in his face to gain his attention, I watch as he comes back to my reality.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked you if you had any more questions for me?" he starts to think but shakes his head "Well Mr. Kim, that should be it for now. If you do have any more questions, just give me call." I rip the paper out my notepad handing it to him "Sorry, I would give you a card, but we ran out and I have to get more made" he then nods looking at the paper before looking up at me

"Is this your personal cell or -"

"Oh heavens no, I don't hand that out. It's my office phone number" he nods again looking slightly disappointed "I promise, if you call this number and I don't answer, just leave a message. I will always get back to you. I always do."

"I will hold you to it Dr. Miller" he says giving me that smirk which makes me hold my notepad to my chest feeling like a little school girl. I finish up some notes for his files before turning to my keyboard, typing away at my computer

"Your only 23, Your very young. I don't even remember being that age"

"Don't be silly. You don't look that much older than me" he says. I look at him with a teasing look before looking away which makes him chuckle, licking his lips "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you then?"

"Isn't it bad to ask a woman their age Mr. Kim?" I tease some more

"I assumed it was their weight, if I stand corrected"

"It can be considered both" I say

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I was only curious because we look about the same age." I then stop typing, turning to look at him while he finishes talking. "I was wondering how you got into this profession when it takes you awhile to get here" I smile at his curiosity, finishing up his file

"That's because I'm older than you Mr. Kim"

"By 3 years?"

"Why don't you try 10 years" I glance at him watching as he looks at me surprised

"I would have never guessed that. You look so young, and you are absolutely beautiful"

"Well thank you very much"

*******5 minutes later*******

I walk him to the door so I can lock it behind him when he leaves. He then bows walking out. I was just about to close it, but he turns around holding the door back open.

"Actually, I do have a question"

"Okay" I open the door back up all the way standing there while folding my arms "Shoot"

"Can I take you out?" I stand there at a lost from words, slowly dropping my arms to my sides

"Take me out - like - on a date?" he nods showing me a new smile letting it form into a boxy look on his face "I-I'm sorry Mr. Kim" I watch as his smile slowly fades. "I would love to but -" I then hold my hand that shows my ring on my marriage finger.

"So your already taken?"

"For 15 years now to be exact"

"Wow. That's a long time to be committed to one person" I nod but he only looks at me "It still doesn't change the fact that your absolutely beautiful Dr. Miller. Your husband is one lucky man" I smile at his words. He reaches for my other hand taking it in his, bringing it to his lips to plant a small kiss on it. I feel my heart flutter while he gives me strong eye contact

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