~ S I X T E E N ~

191 6 2

Backup Required

Y/n was walking out of school at the end of the day.
She was still picking bits of spitballs and gum out of her hair, gagging every time she encountered one.

She dropped her skateboard and rested her foot on it to check her phone.

Far behind her, she heard an unmistakable voice.
"Y/n! Wait."

She rolled her eyes, not even wanting to turn around to look at him.
"I need to talk to you."

She felt her jaw clench so hard, she thought her teeth might break.
She spun around, glaring at Michael, further away down the sidewalk.

"I needed to talk to you, all day!" She shouted, kicking her board at him as hard as she could.
"Not only did I just have a horrible day, you just learned my biggest secret ever and refuse to even look at me!"

Y/n felt the vague stinging sensation under her eyes, but shut that down quickly.
It was stupid really, nothing that bad even happened.
But never had she felt so vulnerable. And she hated it.

"I..." Michael's voice cracked. "I'm sorry."
She cracked a malicious smile.
"You're sorry? I know you're fucking sorry Michael, otherwise you wouldn't be standing there!"

The pebbles around her feet were vibrating and sliding away from her.
Michael tried to not watch too obviously.

"So now I just have to wonder, are you really sorry, or are you just scared?"
He shook his head. "Scared?"

"Yah, scared! Scared of me, o-or confrontation! Or maybe you're just scared of being alone, I don't know."
"You're scared." Michael yelled.

"You're scared of what's uh..." he was staring down at more rocks, scattering and pittering away from her feet. "Of what's going on inside you. Anyone would be."

He sighed while watching her, his hand out defensively and his eyebrows arched with concern.
How did she get to stop yesterday?
She mind-punched a car into the woods.

Which once the initial shock wore off, was really fucking cool.

So she just has to let it out in some way.
"And uh... and I can't possibly talk to you after last night!" He shouted.
If she got mad enough she might throw something else.

Something hopefully smaller, and that would hopefully make her feel better.
"After last night... I... I... I think I'll just go and tell everyone about your secret!"

Her expression went from swelling with anger, to meek and afraid.
Not what he was going for.

Nothing flew, pebbles stopped rumbling and the tension vanished.
The two kids stood there staring at each other for a long second, while the sun slowly got oranger.

Even from 10 feet away, he could feel her fears creeping at her like when he speeded.
And he hated it.

A sharp pain hit the back of his ankles and he fell backwards on the sidewalk.

When he looked back up, Y/n stomped down on her skateboard, stopping it from rolling past her.
"Wh... fuck you." She whispered, wiping her eye and riding off on her board.

He definitely went to far this time.
He had no idea what he was doing when he was going into it, and he knew even less about what he was doing now.


Y/n was laying on her bed, trying desperately to keep everything contained inside her.
The fear, the anger, the confusion.
She didn't want that spilling out everywhere and destroying her house.

*~Ambition and Love Wearing Boxing Gloves~*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن