~ S I X ~

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Y/n has smoked weed before, like a million years ago.
It was okay, and she only had done it a couple times since then.

Never had she done ecstasy, or any other drug for that matter.
That's what she was expecting. Kids are always coming up with all kinds of new, fancy drugs or whatever.

She was always up to try some new or fancy drug.
But after the story Michael Mell just told her, she was thinking she would stick to Zoloft for the rest of her life.

The two of them were sitting on the curb, after she refused to get in his car.
One, she didn't trust his driving skills. Two, never get into the stranger's car and go to a second location. That was 101.

"Wow." She croaked, gulping and clearing her dry throat. "That's uh... wow."
She was pretty sure she read about an ingestible, evil supercomputer from a comic book, but that didn't make it any easier to believe.

"So... how many people?" She asked him, picking at the loose threads on her cargo pants.
"What do you mean?"

"How many people got the Squip?"
He shrugged, racking his brain to think. "I mean like... most of the school. B-but you know, we pretty much like, wiped them all out at the school play so.."

She nodded and a nervous smile slowly slipped onto her face.
"But uh... did you check after that?"

"Check... what?"
"Okay Michael," she turned to face him. "You seriously think everyone went to that school play?
High School plays suck donkey parts, it's more than likely that more squips are walking around right now!" She knew she sounded paranoid, but it was undeniable that her theory was sound.

He had a dazed look on his face.
"Well... no that can't be possible. When you destroy one you destroy them all. It's a hive-mind scenario."

She was fully facing him now, picking more fidgety at her pants.
"Okay but you said it emitted that high-pitched sound, right? Every Squip that was in that auditorium was down. But you never checked the rest of them."

He shook his head and stood up, giving off a familiar ambience to Y/n.
"No. no that can't be... I-I mean that's not... it isn't possible."
He shook his head and paced the sidewalk.

Y/n stood up and watched him nervously.
It was obvious he was panicking and she was very familiar with panic but she still wasn't sure what to do.

Watching someone else panic was semblance to clarity.
Suddenly it was apparent, just how scary they were.

She had completed fabricated this scenario from the imaginative depths of her paranoia, and he was genuinely frightened.

"Uh, hey man, it's gonna be-"
"Don't say alright, cause it... we did too much to stop this... we can't do that again!" He started walking away from their spot on the sidewalk, and Y/n followed him.

He walked small ways to a little, red PT Cruiser.
He unlocked it and opened the door, climbing into the driver's seat and opening the center console.

Y/n watched awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
He pulled out a small snapbook and a lighter, opening it up to reveal a row of rolled blunts.

He balanced one between his lips while he lit it, exhaling with momentaneous relief and filling the air with smoke.
Y/n rocked on the balls of her feet, watching while the boy smoked his supply in the driver's seat of his car.

He looked up at her, a look of ease resting over his hidden eyes.
Hidden by glasses and a drug-induced haze.

He held up the blunt, silently asking her the obvious.
She took the small burning roll from him and put it to her lips, getting her pink-tinted chapstick on it.

She took a deep inhale and handed it back to him, holding her breath for a couple second before letting it out.
A peaceful ambience rested over her head, clouding her vision with tranquility (if it were a sight).

"Still want to make it up to me?" She asked the boy, slumping against his car door, that was still wide open.
"We haven't done that yet?"

She laughed and swung around to the other side of the small car, climbing into the passenger's side. She didn't care as much about abduction, despite the hazy and drugged circumstances.

Michael sighed and closed the door, starting the car.
"What do you want? Slushie, Pinkberry?"
"Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich."

He stared at her in silence for a moment before bursting into laughter.
"Uh, y-yah, okay let's go."

They pulled out of the school, completely disregarding the fact that it was the middle of the school day, and storm clouds were rolling in.

"You're not going to hit someone right?" She giggled, covering her mouth with her baggy, corduroy jacket sleeve.

"That was a one time thing, I am an excellent driver."
"How the hell am I supposed to know that?"

She wore a smile, but it slowly dilapidated into a frown.
She doesn't know a damn thing about this guy and she just jumped in the fucking car with him.

She reached over and grabbed the blunt from Michael Mell's hand, taking a long deep breath from it to block out the nervous thoughts.
"Woah, slow down." He smiled from the steering wheel.

"Seriously, don't crash." She mumbled, taking another deep inhale and filling the car with smoke.
"I won't." He assured Y/n, smiling from the side of his eye.

She was already down to half the blunt, and her eyes hid panic.
But... she got in the car with him.
That had to count for something, right?

*~Ambition and Love Wearing Boxing Gloves~*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon