Lunch Conversations

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Ellie's P.O.V

Wow, what had actually just happened. These things never happen to me because I am the type of girl who goes around liking a guy for the whole school year and to only ever have one conversation with him. But no, Luke was different, I had only known him for a little while but I had already kissed him. I kept replaying that kiss over in my head, completely memorised by it, until the bell rang for the end of the period and it was time for lunch.

I was just packing up my stuff when Luke came over to me,

"Hey Ellie, you want to come sit with us at lunch?"

"Sure, if the other boys don't mind."

"Nah, they will be fine with it!"

"Okay, well I'll go to my locker and then come find you in our area.", I added lastly with a smile.

Luke's P.O.V

I didn't even know what was going on, had that happened? The kiss was amazing. She was just different to other girls, different to Alison...

Now she was coming to sit with us at lunch, this is great, I'm sure the boys won't mind. Should I ask her out properly now? Not yet, it was too soon.

At that moment, I saw the other boys coming over.

"So... You and Ellie now" said Michael with a cheeky smile


" Oh feisty Luke, you going to ask her to come this afternoon?", added Calum.

"It's your place, should I? Do you mind?"

"Its fine, just no making out, my mum will be there you know." Calum said with a bit of a smirk.

"CALUM! ha ha ha very funny" I replied jokingly though slightly embarrassed. "I told her to come sit with us by the way"

"Oh okay, come on lets go guys" said Ashton.

Ellie's P.O.V

I grabbed my books then headed over to the lunch area, I passed the girls I usually sit with then I instantly see Luke and the boys. With a few more boys... I'm convinced that I'm probably going to make a fool of myself.

As I walked over I wave to Michael, Cal, Ashton and Luke and give a polite smile to the other boys. Luke gets up from where they were sitting, he makes sure he is sitting next to me so I don't feel awkward.

"Guys this is Ellie by the way", he says to the other boys that I don't know. They introduce themselves slowly but I don't end up talking to them much.

"Where is everyone else?" Luke asks.

"Soccer tryouts are today" Ashton replies.

"Why aren't you there cal?" Michael questions.

"I think I'm going to focus more on my music his year instead." He replies and they don't seem to mind so we all start getting out our food.

The boys kept making silly jokes and teasing Luke a lot. It was pretty funny and I was having a great time! It was better then sitting with those other girls who couldn't seem to get along or go a lunch time without bitching about some girl. The girl was even sometimes me as I've recently found out. The only person there thats ever been good to me is Gemma anyways. But no, I stop my train of thoughts, I don't want to think about them and so I rejoined the conversation that was going on.

Calum then spoke to me, "Hey Ellie, did you decide to come this afternoon?"

"What's this afternoon?"

Then Luke said "Well I was going to ask you to come before Calum opened his big mouth" Luke looked over to Calum who stared back at him grinning, proud of himself.

Luke continued "Ashton, Calum, Michael and I are actually in a band together. We were going to go over Cals to practice and I wanted to know if you would like to come watch us then hang out. But you don't have to, I mean you've already heard us before and if yo---"

I cut him off with "I don't think I'm doing anything so, of course I'll come. Wait does my mum have to drop me off?"

"Cal's mum has a four wheel drive so we all catch a ride straight from school. There should be room, is that okay Cal?"

"Yeah it's a seven seater so there are two free spots."

"Okay thanks! Hold on, wait, do you mind if my friend Gemma comes as well? You know her from History class, Calum. I just realised, she usually comes home with me on a Friday... If you don't feel comfortable with another person don't worry I didn't mean to be rude".

"Don't stress she can come in the last spare seat" Calum replied with a smile.

"Thanks, she's really nice, I'll go run to tell her and call my mum to check before the bell goes. I'll meet you at the entrance at the end of school?"

"See you then" Luke says lastly.

With a quick hug, I go off to tell Gemma, this might be her moment to talk to Calum and at the same time, I get to spend more time with Luke!

My mum says that it's fine for me to go over a friends house and I find out Gemma (who was quite happy to come) is allowed to come too. Now we have to just wait for school to be over...


We finally reached the end of school day and Gemma and I were waiting outside the front gate searching for the boys. We were scanning though all the students until we found their familiar faces. Luke came over to me but Calum pointed us at his mums car before we had a chance to say anything more than "hey".

As we all hopped into the car, I sat next to Gemma in the very back with Calum at the front with his mum and the other three boys in the middle seats. Calum introduced myself and Gemma to his mum and she was very nice to us and tried to make conversation.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Hood"

"Nice to meet you too girls. You guys are new friends?"

"Yeah that's right." Calum answered to his mum casually.

Not much happend in the car, it was all a bit quieter than usual but the music was on and I was mainly talking to Gemma and Luke in front of me. When we finally arrived in front of Calum's house, the car came to a stop and we all got out except Calum's mum.

"Calum, you all go inside and I'll be back soon, I just have to go pop in quickly to the shops okay?"

"Alright no worries, see you later mum." Cal waved as his mum back out of the driveway again.

With that we all went inside, Gemma and I following Calum. It was a nice house, sort of big with a large tv and multiple consoles connected to it. No surprise there, everyone was obsessed.

Gemma and I followed the boys into the garage to help get all the instruments out into the living room. After setting everything up, the boys complained they were hungry so we headed to the kitchen to get some snacks. We sat on the bench and Luke pulled me onto his lap as Calum got out some chips. They started talking to Gemma, especially Calum from what I heard as they didn't know her well. She wasn't too shy which was good. I was more paying attention to Luke though. The way we were so close to each other again reminded me about earlier today.

"Are you okay there Ellie?" He said suddenly noticing I was staring as I snapped out of thought.

"Yep" I added with a nod of my head and tried to look away.

"Today was nice" he said back to me.

"I guess it was indeed."

"Will it happen again sometime?"

"Maybe...", I said returning a cheeky smile.


Hey Everyone :)

I'm really happy I've gotten over 500 reads! It means a lot and thanks everyone who is reading! I'm glad I've continued with this writing and that people like it. It would mean a lot if you left a comment about what you like/dislike and thanks if you have shared the story with anyone.

Ill update when I get a chance xx

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