The odd one out?

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I just stood there, feeling and most probably looking like the odd one out because the other boys seemed like close friends. They didn't seem upset that I had to join their group which I was grateful for. I was looking around at each of them and the tallest one with blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes just stared at me.

"Hey, I'm Luke." He spoke suddenly, his voice was so sweet yet quite deep.

"Hi, I'm Elyssa but everyone calls me Ellie"

The darker haired boy was next to speak to me, "Hi Ellie, I'm Calum, I recognise you from history class I think, this is Michael and Ashton" he said as he pointed to the other boys, one looked a little older and unfamiliar so I guessed that he was from the grade above. They seemed sweet and so we started talking about what instruments we played. Luke kept trying to get a sentence in but the rest of the boys were really talkative (in a really friendly way of course). I stayed a little quiet which was a bit unusual for me, I liked to be loud but when it came to new people, I guess I felt kind of shy.

I found out Ashton was the one that looked a little older and he played the drums. He was actually really good! He was playing parts of some of my favourite songs and I slowly started to sing along. I didn't really think I was the best singer but he said he thought I sounded great.

"I play the keyboard, but I also sing a little." I told them, I probably sounded lame but usually I just played anything I could find.

I was listening to them talk but then I thought to myself that we should probably start thinking about ideas for the assignment, but we were only starting to get to know eachother and i don't want to sound like a school freak...

"let's put some things together so we can see what sounds good for our band assignment" Michael said as if he was reading my mind probably noticing my sudden discomfort.

I definitely recognised Calum, I recognised him from the back of my History class with Gemma. We never talked much but at least I knew someone. I had seen him carrying his bass guitar around school and he was usually around Luke in the hallways between classes.

"Have you guys known each other for long?"

"Well Cal and I have been best friends for a long time and then we met Michael in a music class last year and we all became friends. Then there is Ashton who is in the year above and so he wasn't from the same classes as us. We didn't know him until the beginning of this year but we met at a party ended up talking to him about music and kind of just stuck together."

Then Calum interrupted and started clapping "well done for giving her our life story recount..."
His sarcasm made me laugh and that eased things out cause the other boys joined in too.

Later in the lesson, I was sitting next to Luke so he showed me his guitar but told me he also really liked singing. Calum picked up his bass guitar, which I noticed had a little batman sticker on the side, from the back of the room and started playing around with some chords on it. So then I jumped behind the keyboard, Michael picked up his guitar and Ashton started banging at those drums again.

Luke was looking over at me sweetly. I got a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach and started to blush a bit. But I continued playing, trying to look half decent. The boys kind of found a rhythm as this probably wasn't the first time they had played together. I tried to work out keys on my keyboard that would go with it. We were just having some fun when the familiar

*RING RING RING* pounded through the classrooms. The school bell had finally rang signaling the end of the forth period. I said that I would see them later and went out to lunch. I was actually kind of glad not to be with my 'close' friends for a change because the boys were really funny and great. Something different I guess and of course there is the upside of getting to know different people... Especially four really cute boys during this assignment


A/N: Thanks guys, I hope you liked it :) I'm trying to make my chapters longer! Sorry for any typos. Comment what you think?


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