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A/N: word of warning, lots of dialogue so just follow on :)


No... why? why did he have to be here? It clicked to me that this was all a setup by Calum and Gemma. I didn't need this, I didn't want to see him. It was bad enough that I had to try and avoid him at school but it was kind of hard to avoid him now while he was standing right there.

"This is why you were texting Cal all day?" I looked over to Gemma.

"Hey, it took organising to get you both here at the same time, Luke didn't want to talk to me." said Calum defending Gemma.

"I'm right here you know." announced Luke as I turned back around to face him. Looking at his face, images came back from when everything between us was good before, of us together. The images then became haunted with the dark thoughts of seeing Luke making out with the red-headed random at the party. It made me want to vomit, scream out and cry. 

"Look, you guys really need to talk! We are just gonna... go" Gemma told us before running off to another room with Calum.

Luke and I stared at each other for a bit, it was like we were processing each others presence or something. It was really awkward and hard for me to say the least.

"Hi." he said softly finally speaking a word to me while avoiding looking directly at me.

"All you can say is 'hi'?" I protested.

He turned to me again. "There is so much I need to tell you, to explain to you, but you need to give me a chance."

"Give you a chance? You have had all this time to come up to me since the party. I thought you would of had the decency to tell me you had moved on. Besides, there isn't exactly much you can say to make it better."

"It's not like that, Oh God please, I didn't know how to say this, how to look at you after what had happened. I felt so awful to see you so hurt. It was not what it looked like just please please listen to me. Hear me out and then you can yell at me if you want to."

There is no way he could possibly get out of this one. All the emotions of the last week were coming on, I felt it. I might just snap but I reluctantly agreed to Luke.

"Do you remember when we were sitting at the park that you took me to, your special place?" He asked.

"Of course."

"And we were talking and you told me about that girl you used to be friends with and I told you about... about Alison?"

"What does this have to do with anything Luke?"

"That girl from the party, the one you saw me with, that's her... that's Ally."

"what?" was all I could say. I thought she was gone, Luke said he hadn't seen her for a year. Was that supposed to make me feel better or something?The girl that Luke had been with and the one that had been cheating on him now suddenly wanted to make out with him? I didn't get it.

"Ellie hold on--"


"Ellie I never kissed her!"

"Do you think I am blind? I SAW YOU TOO MAKING OUT AT MASON'S PARTY! HOW CAN YOU EVEN SAY THAT!?" I threw back at him debating whether I should storm out right now.

"She kissed me!"

"Oh so it was all her fault now? AM I expected to believe that?"

"Well yes, she apologised for what happened when we were together. Then I told her I didn't care about her stupid apology and to go because she was too late for me. She didn't take it well."


"No, well only for just a second. Then I realised what was happening and who I was kissing. I was overwhelmed with what was happening and not in a good way and I was so confused after not seeing her for a year." 

"You aren't even innocent, YOU AND ALLY ARE JUST AS BAD AS EACHTOHER!" I yelled as I felt the tears streaming down my face now. The light makeup I had on running down with it.

"Don't say that please Ellie, Do you really think I would want to be with her after what happened, after what I told you? I thought you understood how that made me feel. I would never do that to you."

"All I saw was my boyfriend cheating one me."  I admitted quietly.

"She is nothing to me Ellie, NOTHING." He said as he threw his arms up. "I broke the kiss immediately as my head spun back around and I realised what was going on. She is not the one, it was all fake with he and it was all one of her silly games. I think she knew what she was doing. I pushed her off me and told her I could NEVER be with her. I told her I had moved on, that I have moved on with you! I'm so sorry, I never mean't for any of it to happen."

His voice almost coming down to a whisper, we weren't shouting anymore. He was close to me now looking straight down into my eyes. I could see his blue orbs clearly,they were dark at first  although they were becoming slightly red, the red colour eyes get as you are crying.

"How.. how can I believe you now Luke?" I say trying to hold back the tears for a few seconds in order to get the words out.  

"Because, you have to trust me, I'm so sorry baby. I never wanted it to happen. She is out of my life for good. "

"To trust you, to take you back now, I don't know Luke. I don't know if I can move past what happened...It's all a bit too much to take in." I turn my head to the side, not wanting to face him again.  

"We have been through a lot in the time we have been together, it can't be all one sided. You have felt the same way and you can't let it all go now... please, you have to believe me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was trying to take it all in... trying to replay what I had saw happen and what Luke was telling me happen.

 "But why should I believe anything you say?" I whispered slowly.

He cupped my face gently and turned it to look straight back at him.  

"Because... because I love you Elyssa."        

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N:

Well this was the fight and Luke said he loved her for the first time, cue the 'awwwwww's! What will she say back, you ask? You will just have to wait for the next chapter ahaha 

Thanks SOOO much or all the comments and votes I've been getting! I MADE IT 40K READS AND I WAS DYING <3 Love you and  thank you, yes you *points at you* for reading my story! keep the votes and stuff up! PLEASE COMMENT ANY FEEDBACK OR WHETHER YOU WANT ME TO UPDATE

Basically I got excited because they were showing 5sos with 1D on the TMH tour on my tv which was funny! I didn't get one of those 5sos bracelets wah:( , if you got one i envy youuuu hahaha.

 I have a lot of assignments to get to sooooo, until next chapter, BYE :)  xx


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