Can't be Apart

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A/N: its been suggested to listen to either
'They Don't Know About Us' by One Direction
'Dirty Little Secret' by All American Rejects
OR (my fave) 'Check Yes Juliet' by We The Kings
while reading :)


Not knowing what to do, I whispered to Luke. "Luke maybe you should wait outside, I'll handle this."

"You need to go and not come back. I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU EVER AGAIN WITH MY DAUGHTER!" Dad yelled.

"Dad, you can't--"

"NO, HE NEEDS TO LEAVE AND WE NEED TO HAVE A LONG TALK." He shouted angrily, interrupting me.

"Are you going to be okay, I can try to sort this out?" Luke said to me.

"No, Luke, I'll be okay." I replied back

Dad was waiting at the door for him to leave.

He walked over and said to my dad, "Mr Gray, I know this looks bad and I am really sorry, but if you would just give us two seconds to--"

"Walk through that door now and it will do you a lot of good boy." Dad advised.

He turned to me as I struggled to give Luke reassurance that I would be fine. He mouthed 'sorry' to me apologetically as he slowly left through the room door.

"Elyssa, I don't want you too see that boy again." he stated.

"But dad--" I could feel the hot tears coming like a burning fire through my body.

"Listen to me, I'm not yelling, I'm telling you no. He is obviously trouble based on what I just saw. Is this what I expect to come into to when you are visiting me at hospital? Did you hear me? at A HOSPITAL where I am injured. It hasn't been the easiest few weeks after what I've been through and leaving you while I go take a few tests shouldn't be a problem or something I have to worry about. Is this what you think I deserve?"

"Dad, I'm sorry about that but you don't even know Luke, you would really like him. And I know I haven't given you that chance but you were away and if you would just listen to me and let me explain, it isn't as bad as you think. We just got a little carried a--" I was really trying through the sobs, trying to hold them back.

"How can I even trust you now? And me being away is no excuse for your behaviour. I don't want to hear it, you will not be seeing him and--"


And with that I stormed out, there was nothing left to say. I didn't know if I meant it but I was angry and upset and just so many emotions were spinning around in my head so I snapped. This wasn't fair, Dad was angry, he was in one of his moods where you couldn't talk to him. Maybe if I tried talking to him when he calmed down it would help. I texted mum not to bother picking me up as I needed to clear my head about everything. I started walking home with my earphones in softly not knowing whether I should try and fix everything or shut out the world.



Three days. Three days since I last saw Luke, spoke to Luke or even got a text from Luke. It wouldn't be so bad if we were okay but then again it had also been three days since what happened with dad.

I was expecting to see him the next day at school but then I remembered it was a staff development day* and so we weren't going to be at school.

I hadn't gone to visit dad since that Thursday, in fact I had been feeling so... I don't know, upset? To put the cherry on top of this whole thing, Dad had been given permission to come home and he was coming this afternoon.

I was laying on my bed all morning I had been bothered to get dressed but then I ended up lying on my bed anyway with some music on quietly, I guess sleeping in but I was not actually sleeping. Just thinking. I thought about reading a book or magazine but I really wasn't in the mood. I kept thinking that maybe Luke didn't want anything to do with me now and that Dad wouldn't ever let me see him again. The thought and feeling was awful.

Then there was a sound that shifted my thoughts away and literally made me jump. My phone.


'ONE NEW MESSAGE' it read as i picked it up.

'From: Luke is a penguin

Hey, Look outside your bedroom window beautiful'

Was he joking? I turned to the front window of my room and opened the blinds that was shielding it. Sure enough, waiting out there was a blondish haired figure basically smirking at me. My face lit up as I saw Luke there. I put on a bit of lip gloss and put my hair up as I creeped downstairs and then carefully opening and shutting the front door without a sound.

This wasn't some sort of scene from a cliche movie because he was really there and without any hesitation I ran over to Luke standing in the same position he was when I saw him from my window. He hugged me tight kissing my forehead gently.

"I'm so sorry I got you in trouble!" Luke started as he was still holding on to me.

"It wasn't your fault, it takes two you know." I protested.

"I missed you, but I had to speak to you in person. I didn't even know if you would come out and if your father would be home but i didn't see his car." He said.

"I missed you too." I replied back..

There was a bit of a pause after that but then he asked me, "So can you sneak away for a little bit with me?"

"Mayyybe, where are we going?" I teased.

"Wherever you want to go." he whispered.

"Okay follow me, I have somewhere in mind. We can walk there, gives us more time to talk." And he agreed as we walked quickly through the streets to get there.


A/N: Hiii, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was going to write another part to it but I thought that a new chapter for it would be better, so this one is probably a bit short. Anyway I made it over 100 votes so hell yeah!! Keep it up you lovely readers :) Also, if you do read this fanfic, would you like to click the fan button because then you can stay updated with everything. Be back soon for the next chapter, where does Ellie have in mind to go and what will go on?

Byeeeee xx

*=day where only teachers go to school and students get a day off

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