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Luke shut the door as the others eventually left the hospital room. I lay in bed still, not sure how to bring the subject up again. 

"About before." I started.

"You don't have to say anything, as long as you are alright."

"No really, thank you Luke, I might not be here without you. The doctors said I could have drowned because of all the blood I was loosing, and because I was unconscious."

"I would never let anything happen. Remember the last time we were in a hospital room and... well your dad came in and saw us and was really angry?"

"Yeah, oh my god."

"And then we were at the park after you snuck out with me, and he found us so I went and talked to him?."

I nodded my head, my mind flickering back to what seemed like an eternity ago because my dad liked Luke a lot now and everything that had happened since.

"One of the things I said was that I promised I would never let anything happen to you, I would protect you. I want to keep that promise."


*2 weeks later*

"Are you ready?" Michael asked everyone clearly.

"What if I do terribly?, oh god." I said.

"Well aren't you a ball of positivity? you'll be awesome. We will all do well, whatever grade we get doesn't  matter." Luke replied.

"Yeah lets do this shit!" Calum exclaimed. 

It was the day we were presenting our music presentation! We were all excited because we had been working hard and all the sentimental crap goes with it because this is how I became friends with the boys.

"Good Luck kiss?" Luke asked. 

"Oh go away!" I exclaimed, laughing and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Mr Dan had set up the room with all our instruments and microphones at the front. We walked out to them and took our places ready. It was weird staring at our classmates faces as they were awaiting us to start. At least I didn't still have my bandages on, that would be embarrassing. This reminded me of that time when I had to sing a nursey rhyme in kindygarten and I puk-- Gosh dont go there, Okay focus Ellie, there is no time for nerves now. 

"1,2. 1,2,3,4."

Luke started on his guitar and Ashton joined in on the drums.

"Even when the sky is falling down.. Even when the earth is crumbling around my feet

Even when we try say goodbye
You can cut the tension with a knife in here
Cause I know what will happen
If we get through this

And if the earth ends up crumbling down to its knees then baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out
And if the skyscrapers tumble down and crash around baby
We just gotta get out, we just gotta get out"

I played my keyboard in the background as me and  Ashton's voice echoed the lyrics.

"I feel so damn lost"
sang Calum. "And it comes with a cost of being alone
Everything is falling down, were suffering
Helpless thoughts, and out we sing
Prayers go to the sky"

On came the bridge, and then finally, I could never get tired of hearing Luke sing that last line. 

"And if the Earth ends up, crumbling down to its knees then baby, we just gotta get out, we just gotta get out."

We all glanced at each other, everything had gone perfect. 

"Wow, you guys were...amazing! Did you write that song?" 

"The boys originally did" I answered for them.

"Yeah but it wouldn't be the same without you." Luke answered.

"You all get A's, you deserve it. Have a seat."

"Not bad guys." Ashton said as we walked over.

"Not bad at all." We re-joined the class sitting in our seats, a few people were staring at us. Including one of Brittany's friends who I heard whisper "She's not even that good, whats the deal."  I let it go, jealousy kills anyway. 

"Don't forget you have your written exam next week, don't forget to take your notifications--

There was a knock on the door. 

"Mrs Marbles, come in." Mr Dan answered seeing our co-ordinator standing at the door.

"Mr Dan, I just came in to show our new student where to go. I'm sure you boys and girls will be nice to her, she's only just moved back into the neighbourhood. I'm sure you will all see her around anyway. Welcome to our school, Alison Cortez."



Dun Dun Dunnn. Look who just walked in... Ally's back!

I smell trouble.

Hey guys, I'm sorry I cant upload on time, These few weeks are my exam weeks so I'm a bit behind, forgive me? Not my best chapter, I felt like I needed to upload something though. I might edit it more later anyway.

SO this story keeps popping in and out of the Teen Stories charts and I get so happy! Please let it stay there :) PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE. I NEED FEEDBACK :) thanks for reading! 5SOS ARE BACK IN MY COUNTRY YAYAYAYAYAY! Where are all my readers from? Aussie? British? American?

Ciao, peace, chicken wings~ <3


Always Beside You // 5SOS Fanfic // L.HDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora