Chapter 2- Iced Americano for the Heat

Start from the beginning

Dara smiled to herself. Something good might happen to her aside from landing a job and Dara muttered that she might have seen a handsome guy working there that had piqued her interest into slowly feeling a little admiration for him. She snickered and thought carefully that Lisa might get a wedding bell soon knocking on her home and Dara would be the first one to celebrate for her success on seducing a man.


"Goodbye Sajangnim!"

Lisa bowed down to her boss, then waved her hand for a goodbye. Dara hurried to gave her leftover food however, Lisa had already walked really far away, and was jumping over while walking like a little teenage girl in love.

"Aish! That girl!"

She muttered laughing before she went inside to do whatever she was doing.

Lisa was whistling as if she was flying in every step she made. She was just feeling giddy that she almost tripped on a small little rock that she step on. Everytime she remembered his bunny smile, unconsciously, she would smile so widely am her yes shone so bright that everyone looking at her saw the blooming red cheeks she painted on her cute chubby cheeks.

If she was still single, she might have already had a crush on her own boss. However, she remembers she was already a mother so she tried restraining herself and she smile no kore . She didn't need love for anyone anymore.

She believe that she never deserve it in the first place. She got pregnant without a husband and she knew that her new boss deserved better single lady's that never bought a baggage of responsibilities in very step she made. He deserved a young and a free bird. Unlike her, who had been caged in her own cell. Lisa pouted. She believed that loving her was just a waste of energy. No one wanted pick up another person's trash. All she needed was her primary focus on her daughter'a well being.

Oh, Lily. I almost forgot my Lily because I keep thinking about this unnecessary thoughts.

She said to herself.

Soon, she arrived at a simple big bungalow house. This house belonged to her friend, Yuma unnie. She knocked a few more times on the wooden door before her daughter opened up and clung towards her legs.


She screamed hugging her knees. Lisa picked her up and showered her with kisses.

"Is my daughter extra good today?"

She asked before she noticed that her daughter was wearing a red lipstick and a pink blush plus a blue eyeshadow.

Wtf did the three unnies do to my child?!

She thought to herself.

She looked at the three middle-aged women and also found them squatted on the floor. Their faces were full of makeup... They look like some drag queens being inspired by cheap Harley Quinn makeup with their mismatch eyeshadow. Their face was laughable right now as they all looked like a girl version of Peneweiss, the IT clown.

She held her daughters faced and curiously asked to the three ladies,

"What happened here unnies?"

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