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Hey guys! sorry for no update because I have to study for the semester finals, but THE GOOD NEWS is that I'm going to update TWO CHAPTERS on January 19 that's when I didn't have school. WHY I'M UPDATING TWO CHAPTERS on Monday.......because.......somebody made my day.
It's..........xXAnnie_LeonhardtXx I'm laugh my ass off just by reading attack on Titan: truth or dare. Thanks Annie :)
Armin: that wasn't funny
Me: yes it was and don't you lie armin, you know u want kids with annie.
Armin: *blushes * O///-///O
Me: see! By the way How many kids you want with leonhardt.
*Armin face gets red as tomato *
Me: *laughing so hard on the ground *
Oh god! I almost pee my pants, but anyway thanks for reading my book. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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