Alex, where did she get a knife?

I am not sure Alpha.   She has not left her mother’s side all week, nor has she spoken.   It might have come from her dinner tray. 

Alex and Jane were both sitting to the couch by the window.   Jane was sitting on the edge of the couch, ready to help with Ella.

Relax Jane, I’ve got this.

“So little one, you must be Ella?”  After a second with a quick nod she answered.   Okay, so I will take that as progress.   I just need to tread lightly.   This is a little girl who has been through hell for only god knows how long.   Rafe supported my approach as he sat calmly waiting.  

“Well Ella, you are very brave to protect your mom like this, but know that you are both in a safe place.  No one here wants to cause either of you harm.   We are all here to protect you okay?”  

After a few seconds I got another nod.  

“Okay, so I want to apologize for my reaction when I got in here.   I growled because I was so angry that someone would harm you or your mom.   In my world, men do not harm their kids or wives.   We take care of them and protect them.   They are the most precious things to us.   So seeing the bruises on you both really upset me.   I am sorry for scaring you.”

In the past I have never apologized to anyone, not even my first mate.  I was the Alpha, it is not in our nature to admit we were wrong.   It was like submitting, again something an Alpha never does.   But right now kneeling in front of my fragile little girl, I would do anything to get her to trust me.   Rafe was on board and quietly sat back and let me handle this.   He felt so bad for growling, talk about being in the dog house.  

Slowly the tiny hand that held the knife began to lower.   Her watery eyes never left mine as I continued to talk to her, getting her used to me.   When I stood up, my large size caused her to step back slightly, fear running off of her.   The knife was raised once again.  Well shit.   We were making good progress, but there was nothing I could do about my size.    Well back to square one.  

I was the biggest wolf in our pack.   Hell, if I am honest, one of the biggest wolves in America.   A lot of our members were pure blood shifters like myself, so we tended to me a bit larger that turned shifters.   Therefore, our pack was a considered stronger due to our added size and strength.   That size and strength definitely transformed over to our human sides as well.   Like myself, most men in the pack were taller the 6’5”.   My size was always a great advantage, but right now it was definitely not helping.  

Before I could sink to my knees again, a soft moan came from the bed behind Ella.   Moaning Ella…Ella.  I went to take a step forward but the look from Ella stopped me in my place.   Rafe held me back even though we both desperately wanted to get to our mate, but he knew never to step between a mama and her pup.   Ella ran to her mother’s side and climbed up on the bed.   From the couch Alex and Jane watched on as they mind-linked for Doc Murphy.  

A small hand gently cupped the side of Sophia’s face.   A small sob escaped the child.   It was heartbreaking to watch as she clung to her mother.   I quietly walked to the other side of the bed so that I faced Ella and was not behind her.   I figured it was best to be in her line of sight.  

Noticing my movement she looked over at me with her tear filled eyes.   I rested my hand onto Sophia’s arm, craving that physical contact with my mate.   It was pure heaven.   I had forgotten the feeling of touching your mate, missed the connection, the bond.   Ella looked down at my hand and frowned.   Another moan distracted us from the moment.  

Sophia was slowly waking up.   Suddenly Doc Murphy came into the room immediately taking in everyone’s position he sent a confused look over to me.  

Doc, she is my second-chance mate, and Ella my new daughter.  

Congratulations Alpha.  I need your permission to examine her.   I promise to be gentle.

You have my permission, but be quick about it. 

While Doc and I were having our quick chat, Sophia had opened her eyes only to be met by her daughter’s eyes.   They embraced and Ella tucked her head and her mother’s shoulder.   Repeating, thank you God as she held her child. 

My hand continued to gently rub her arm as I took in my mate and daughter, it was so beautiful to see them together, to feel the love they have for one another.   I was so lucky to have them in my life.   As I stared down at them, Sophia’s eyes finally met mine.  Even with all the bruises, she was still so beautiful to me.   My love easily grew with each passing second. 

I just hoped she would embrace our mating bond quickly.   Most mates cannot resist the bond once it starts.   Most shifters mate within a day the bond is so strong.   Even though she was still hurt and we could not mate properly, I still hoped that the bond will allow her to accept me instantly.  

As I smiled, her eyebrows drew tighter in confusion.  Then she noticed that my hand was on her arm and her face turned to anger.

“Get your hand off of me NOW and back away from my daughter!”

I guess not…

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