Chapter 30

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Sophia’s POV

“Again Sophia, you need to focus.   You are not focusing.”

Oh how I wanted to knock that man on his ass.   For three days we have been “practicing” as he calls it, but I call it torture.   Who knew all this magic stuff was so difficult.   I just thought with a wave of my finger and a twitch of my nose and bam I can make an apple float across the room.

But no – nothing is that easy.   Instead of floating the apples keep exploding, or catching fire, or my personal favorite turning into a frozen red snowball.   And you would think as the days progressed I would get a better handle on all this, but you would be seriously wrong.

The closed gym where we were training was a complete mess.   Even when I tried my cleaning spell things went haywire.   After a few dumbbell’s slammed against the walls we cleared out all of the equipment for safety reasons. 

Luckily Ella did not have to go through all of this as her powers we learned are not yet matured.   The most she was able to do was grow a few flowers.   Vlad thinks that her powers will gradually appear as she matures.   So after the first day she and Noah were excused and I think it was mainly for their safety as I had things exploding everywhere. 

Alex and Jane were the sitting back with Knox watching me fail yet again…it was so embarrassing.   It confused me on how I was able to do what I did in the office and even my Mary Poppins trick in our bedroom.   Now it was like all my wires were crossed and nothing was getting through.

I concentrated on the apple in front of me and have to say I am really starting to dislike this fruit.   It was simple, move apple from A location to B location, then catch the apple on fire, put it out and return it to normal.   Simple right?   Nope.   The apple flew directly at Vlad’s head and he had to duck, then it burst into flames before exploding.   That was the fifth apple in a row.  

“Again Sophia, you need to focus.   You are not focusing.”

“You know what Vlad, shut the fuck up.   I am to focusing.   I have been focusing for 3 goddamn days and nothing is getting better.   The harder I try the worse I do.   My body feels like it wants to explode like that apple.   I feel uncomfortable in my own skin and you want me to focus.   Screw you!”

Turning my back to him I head over to grab my water.   Focus.   What a prick.   I am really regretting my decision on having Knox ask him for help. 

“Shit.   I cannot believe I am so stupid.   Knox is it a full moon tonight?”

“Yes.   Yes it is.   It makes perfect sense.   It should have dawned on me earlier.”

“What are you two morons talking about?   Who cares if it is a full moon tonight or not?   The problem is I suck at this magic shit.”

“Baby, we mated a couple days ago.   That mark on your neck is not just a symbol of our connection it is also your connection to your wolf.   A newly turned wolf will shift for the first time on their first full moon.   After that they can shift a free will.   Tonight baby, you will have your first shift.”

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