Chapter 53: With Me Forever

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Klaus went to sit by his brother and handed him a vial of his blood, refusing to make eye contact as he tried to reconcile the person that had let Hayley die and the person that had saved him from himself many times before.

"There's enough in here to save Antoinette." Klaus told him and Elijah took it from his hands clearly troubled. "If what you desire is to let go of your past and build a future with her then you should go to her."

Klaus walked out of the church, the two brothers giving one another a nod of understanding when I finally gained the courage to go see him.

He looked back at me with apologetic eyes, knowing just how much he had hurt me. Looking at him was difficult for me as I tried to remind myself the Elijah I had known would never, but I couldn't do it.

"Fiore, I—"

"Please don't say anything." I interrupted. "I'm not ready to hear anything from you right now."

He nodded in understanding as I went to sit beside him, constantly trying to keep my breaths normalised in his presence.

"I have a lot of things to say to you Elijah, and most of them are not nice, but I would be remiss if I didn't speak on behalf of Hayley." I told him anxiously. He turned to me with glassy eyes as he hoped I would say the magic words that would make him feel better. But they didn't exist. "When you showed up there, she thought you were there to save her. She broke when you didn't. But even still, she knew how she felt about you. And how you felt about her. She knew that the real you loved her. I promise you Elijah, there was no doubt in her mind about the love that you felt for her."

"I loved her Fiore, I promise." Elijah told me as a few stray tears once again escaped.

"She loved you too." I explained. "More than she thought possible. And she knew that even if you weren't there for her on that day, there was nothing that could break or tarnish or erase the love that you two had."

At this Elijah broke down into tears once again and I brought him into as tight a hug as possible, letting him sob into my shoulder.

"I am sorry. I am so so sorry."

~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah joined Marcel as he leaned over the balcony, watching the aftermath of the monsoons that had torn the city asunder.

"You've watched the French Quarter triumph over worse than this." Rebekah reminded him.

"There's always a new storm coming." He replied curtly.

She cast her eyes to the old couple that were mucking around together, in spite of the carnage that had taken over their town and smiled sadly at what she longed for.

"I want that." She said as the man put a necklace around his love's neck, gently pecking her lips. "A life with context. I want to have children and grow old and die a brittle lady with spots on my hands and clouds in my eyes. But I'll never have that."

"You get to have so much more than that." Marcel told her. "We get to bear witness, to watch history unfold, to see barriers fall, to see the oppressed rise—we get to watch it all. Together. Isn't that worth it?"

"And that is why you are so great at being a vampire Marcel." Rebekah replied with a bitter smile. "You chose this. I was cursed. For you, this will always be a gift, whilst for me it will always be a damnation. I am cursed. And angry. I don't want you to promise to be by my side while I fester. Because I love you, Marcel. Which is why I won't let my sadness destroy you."

She pulled him in for one final kiss, before walking away and allowing them to both have their separate lives.

~Fiore POV~

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