Chapter 47: In A Blaze of Glory

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~Elliott POV~

Elliott went to go to check on Freya to see if she was ready to go. He found her sat on the bed, breaking down into a fit of tears and went to sit beside her, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"Elliott, no." She mumbled, shaking her head. "I'm supposed to be the one doing the comforting."

"Everyone needs to be comforted sometimes." Elliott told her as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry that I'm not enough."

"Don't you dare. If you think I was bad today, you have no idea how awful I would've been if you weren't there." Elliott told her, earning a teary laugh from his aunt. "You were my rock. You have been my rock for so long and I love you, Freya. You are the one person that has never left me. I'm not gonna leave you now."

"I love you so much, Elliott." She told him. "And I'm sorry you have to grow up without Hayley."

"I'm sorry too." Elliott told her as he got to his feet. "But sorry can't do much. Sending her off like she deserved, that could do wonders."

He held out his hand to her and Freya took it and squeezed tightly. "You are the bravest soul I have ever known."

"I wanted to be like you." Elliott told her.

The two walked out of her room, hand-in-hand, ready to go face the final bend with his mother.

"Wait!" Grace said as she chased after them, in her mother's black dress with red flowers over it. "I'm coming too."

Elliott nodded and wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulder and wrapping the other around his aunt.

"Let's do this."

They drove to the Bayou in a sombre silence where the wolves were already holding their lit torches as they prepared to send off his mother.

Freya walked to the altar where Hayley's body was already waiting, covered in white lilies—her favourite. Elliott nearly burst into tears but his sister took his hand in hers and gave it a comforting squeeze as they walked towards her together.

"I'm sorry." She told him.

"I already said—"

"No." She interrupted with a shake of her head. "Not about that. You were right. It was Greta's fault. I know that now. I understand I'm not completely blameless but she's not dead because of me. She's dead because of Greta."

"So why are you apologising?" Elliott asked her.

"Because you were meant to be grieving today." Grace replied. "And I spent half of it sulking and the other half getting you to comfort me. That wasn't right. So, I am sorry. I am so sorry Ellie. I am so sorry that your Mom is gone. But I am here for you. I love you."

"I love you too."

The two siblings beamed at one another as Fiore and Alaric came to join them. Fiore pulled Elliott in for a tight hug and he sighed in her arms.

"She lives on in you." Fiore whispered into his ear. "Which means she isn't gone. Not really."

"Thank you for saying that." Elliott told her appreciatively before locking eyes with Josh who was talking to Davina. "Excuse me."

He walked over to his two friends and Davina shot him a warm smile before wrapping him in a tight hug once again.

"Hey you."

"Thank you for being here." Elliott told her.

"For you? Always."

She pulled away and Elliott and Josh gave each other a weird gaze that signified to Davina she needed to leave.

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