Chapter 78: Always Be With You

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Nik, Grace and I walked through the town square, Grace with an enormous sundae in her hand, courtesy of her father's over-compensatory nature. I was doing my best to keep tight-lipped after he had insisted that no one tell her what he was going to do, but it was getting harder and harder to keep my emotions in check.

"I know the night's not ideal, but the timing is right." He explained to her. "Once you're mid-transformation, the Saltzman twins will be able to siphon the magic out of you."

"Are you sure about this?"

Grace asked her father shot her his most convincing smile, but still she turned to me for confirmation. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also couldn't let her last night with her father be marred by her anger.

"Yeah baby, it's okay." I affirmed. "We'll dispose of the magic later."

"But tonight..." Nik told her. "Is all about you."

~Grace POV~

Grace noticed her uncle sat alone on a bench in the town square, hardly enjoying the music that swelled around them. She quickly walked towards him and sat down beside him with a faint smile.

"Whatever did I do to deserve the honour?" Elijah asked teasingly.

"You looked kinda lonely." She answered. "I already told people you were my uncle, so I can't exactly have you wrecking my street cred."

"Is that so?"


"Well thank you for keeping me company."

"You're welcome."

"It's funny..." Elijah began. "When you were first born, I declared you the saviour of our family."

"Gee, I wonder where I got this insane responsibility complex." The young girl huffed.

"You're right to be upset." He told her. "That wasn't fair. We never should have been your burden to bear.

"How old were you when you promised to protect my father?" Grace asked. "Much older than me?"


"Didn't think so." She said with a deep sigh. "Uncle Elijah, I think we were both born with responsibility that we didn't deserve."

He turned to her with a funny look before scooping the ice cream out of her grasp.

"Stealing ice cream is usually filed under bad manners." She teased, but he continued with his weird gaze. "Okay, what is it?"

"Nothing, nothing." He said with a shake of her head, but his niece was not relenting. "I bought that jacket for Hayley. It suits you."

"I saw her, you know."

"What do you mean?"

"When I fainted." She explained. "It was probably just some white-light hallucination or something but...she did say that she was still holding out on that dance. I don't know. It was probably just some part of my subconscious, but I'll take a nice dream when I can get 'em. I haven't had one in a while."

"Me neither." Elijah said wistfully before noticing Landon. "Looks like your friend took your advice."

"No snitching, Elijah." Grace warned.

"My lips are sealed." Elijah said before he got up. "Behave."

"Wait, Uncle Elijah! My ice cream!"

"Sorry, can't hear you!"

She let out a laugh at the playful side she rarely got to see of him, before eventually working up the courage to go say hi to Landon.

"Hey." She said as she tapped on his shoulder.

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