Chapter 17: Stamp Them Out

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~Klaus POV~

"So what exactly are you implying?" Vincent questioned as Klaus confronted him over Hayley's disappearance.

"Grace hid her aunt with a cloaking spell, someone found her, that requires a witch." The hybrid elaborated.

"So that means it was one of mine?" Vincent said, before shaking his head. "I don't think so."

"You witches always plead virtue, but if history is to be prologue, you're the most rotten of the bunch." Klaus replied with a humourless laugh.

"Listen, the second Freya told me Hayley was missing there were dozens of us witches performing locator spells and trying to find her." Vincent countered. "Because Hayley happens to be a friend of ours. Hayley, unlike you, has earned our respect and out of respect to her I am going to say this just the once—we did not take Hayley. I promise you that."

"A witch's promise is a slippery...." Klaus told him. "You want peace and prosperity? Prove your innocence and find her!"

Next on their list were the wolves themselves, who were also unsurprisingly resistant to him.

"Why would the wolves take their own Alpha?" Lisina asked defiantly.

"That's not a bad question, perhaps one of your fellow swamp mates can helps shed some light." Klaus taunted.

"We are the victims here!" Her friend David added in support of her. "A bloodsucker killed Henry just for being a hybrid!"

"No, you wolves saw the boy as an abomination as well!" Klaus retorted. "Who's to say the same disgust didn't extend to Hayley? A guilty wolf could just point fingers at vampires to cover their tracks. So if you really didn't take her, I strongly suggest you find out who did."

And finally, the vampires, the group he trusted the least of all. They had the clearest motive as well as the vilest of actions in their past.

"You really think one of my guys would do this to Hayley?" Marcel questioned with a sigh. "That's stupid. They know that if they even lay a finger on her, they'd be answering to me."

"Well was it you who hired the vampires to antagonise the wolves and string up that hybrid boy?" Marcel didn't answer but that was enough confirmation for his sire. "No. Didn't think so, perhaps your royal status has wilted...along with your marital prospects."

Marcel stepped up to Klaus, but was restrained by a placating Josh. "Easy, easy. Vampires like Hayley, everyone likes Hayley. She's my friend. She's my best friend's mom, you think I would let anyone put him through that pain?"

"Best friend?" Klaus replied with a chuckle. "Because from what I understand, you were a lot more than friends, until you took that relationship and tore it to shreds before his very eyes. Perhaps you prefer to hurt him all on your own? But go on Joshua, proceed to tell me how trustworthy you are."

Josh flitted around his head for a reply, but there was none he could sufficiently give.

"We didn't touch her, alright?" Marcel told Klaus.

"In that case, I suggest you amp up your efforts to retrieve her then because if I am forced to tell my son that his mother has not been returned by day's end, then your entire faction will face the wrath of my disappointment." Klaus began, repeating what he had told the other two factions previously. "Close proximity of just two Mikaelsons turned rain to blood, imagine what other horrors were to happen if I turned to my siblings for help. Our little family reunion would cause hellfire to devour us all."

~Fiore POV~

I stood over the balcony where humans, wolves, vampires and witches alike were all contributing to the efforts to return my best friend back to where she rightly belonged. A cigarette hung out of my mouth as I desperately tried to keep myself even slightly sane thanks to the chaos that had descended on my home.

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