Chapter 1: Be Discreet

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A/N: Okay! E7 has arrived ladies and gents! I'm really excited by this and I hope you like it! I should add, I haven't finished writing E7 but I will hopefully be finished in time! Also, because I am no longer updating as frequently, I will upload more chapters at a time. Once again, I will be using a face claim for Grace Mikaelson, this time--Antonia Thomas! (I think Danielle is a great actress, but Grace is not fully white)

 Once again, I will be using a face claim for Grace Mikaelson, this time--Antonia Thomas! (I think Danielle is a great actress, but Grace is not fully white)

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Now, without further adieu, Enigmatic Fears begins!

~Klaus POV~

"In all my travels, France never disappoints." Klaus began as he stood before the unmoving security guard. "Now I find I'm physically drawn to the place, as if I'm caught in an orbit I'm helpless to alter. I suppose we're all satellites, orbiting those we love. Recently though, I'm left to orbit from afar. And to pass the time by dropping in on old acquaintances. Entres nous, in 1928, the Gatineau family and I had a little falling out. I'd really like to put that to rest. So, if you'll just, stand aside...You must have heard of me, Klaus Le Fou? Klaus le Dement? Niklaus Der Morder? No? Nothing?"

He chuckled before forcing his hand into the man's chest and ripping out his heart to the horror and disgust of the pedestrians surrounding him. He turned to their screaming faces with a smirk, before taking a bite out of it, taking delight in their discomfort.

"I myself prefer Klaus the Mad." He spat out a bone that had been lodged into the removed muscle and grinned. "Do spread the word."

~Grace POV~

Grace discreetly walked through the halls of her school, terrified of being caught, yet knowing this was what was necessary to complete her goal. She saw Henry looking even more scared than she was and put on a brave smirk to save face.

"You got the money?" She queried.

"Yeah." He said, scrambling for the stack in his bag.

"I think I know better than to ask where you got this from." She said nervously as she took it from him, quickly counting the amount. "Remember, one now and one after."

"I remember." He said with a wary nod, causing the sympathy in her to take precedent.

"Are you sure about this Henry?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Then do me a favour." She pleaded. "Be discreet."

And with that, the Littlest Mikaelson walked to her room, hoping this was worth it. And with no calls to the office, things were seemingly fine for Grace. But then a pounding on her door, some few hours later told her otherwise.

"Come in." She said, faking her innocence as far as she could. "Mr Williams, what's up?"

"Mr Saltzman wants to see you." He told her, the disappointment dripping from his voice. "It's about Henry Benoit."

Enigmatic Fears: A Klaus Mikaelson Story {7}Where stories live. Discover now