Chapter 3: Not Like Everybody Else

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When we arrived at the compound, I stalked out of the car, still refusing to talk to my wayward daughter.

"Can you just yell at me already?" She asked, making me stop and turn to face her. "Seven hours of hostile silence is punishment enough."

"The whole bloody point of sending you to that bloody school, me wearing a fabricated body and a fake name is so you wouldn't draw attention to yourself!" I scolded. "To keep you happy. To keep you safe! Why would you even do something like that? What was so important that you needed to sell your blood?"

"That is my business." She replied indignantly.

"I carried you in my body for eight months, so that blood is mine, making it my business!" I snapped. "You had absolutely no right."

"You're being a hypocrite." She told me. "My body, my choice, right? Well, my blood, my choice!"

"Do you not understand what you've done?" I asked her in disbelief. "I have sacrificed so much so that you could have the life that you wanted! You wanted a fake name, I gave you a fake name, you wanted a fake mum, Christina Silvus at your bloody service! You wanted to stay in the boarding house, I got you in there, you wanted me to leave New Orleans and live in Mystic Falls with you, I did exactly that. All so you could have the closest thing to a normal life as you could, but the fact of the matter is you are Grace Mikaelson! Your mother is Fiore Mikaelson and your father is Klaus Mikaelson. Whether you like it or not, that's the hand you were dealt! Which means, you aren't normal. It means, in a world full of the abnormal you are still not like everybody else! How can you still not get it?"

"Henry came and asked for my help."

"And you should have told him no." I retorted with a deep sigh. "He was already a black sheep in wolf's clothing and you've just made him one of three hybrids in the world. Everyone in this city is gonna see him as a threat. You've just given Hayley even more work to do in an already stressful time. You cannot create something without taking responsibility for it."

"What are you gonna do? Ground me? Lock me up?" She asked stubbornly. "I'm a witch, I'll just whammy myself out."

"I dare you to try." I warned her. "I am your mother; you will treat with me respect."

"Does Mr Saltzman have to—"

"Grace Marceline Mikaelson, finish that sentence and I swear to you not even God himself will be able to help you." I told her, causing her to back down. "Now if you'll excuse me, I should get some rest. There's still a lot of your mess that needs cleaning up."

"How long am I grounded for?" She called out as I walked up the stairs to my room.

"Until you're my age!"

~Grace POV~

The next morning, Grace got up bright and early choosing to talk to her Uncle Kol. Knowing him to be the troublemaker of the family, he was always helpful in making her feel better about her dysfunctional life.

"How's my little ne'er do well?" He asked as they began to FaceTime.

"I've been better." She said with a chuckle as she walked through the compound. "How's Aunt Davina?"

"Well my darling wife is gorging on papaya right now." Kol answered with a happy smile. "Belize is beautiful this time of year, you should visit."

"I'd love to, but I'm grounded." She replied, rolling her eyes and pouting.

"Grounded?" Kol scoffed. "Your mother of all people should know you can't ground a witch."

"That's what I said."

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