"So, Lauren. Can I call you that?" she asked.

"By my first name? Of course." I said with a smile as I take out my pen and notepad.

"Good, because we don't really do too formal in here." she chuckled. "So, Lauren, let me officially welcome you to MGC.  As you well know, we are an International Modeling Agency. Our other offices are located in L.A., London, Paris, Milan, and Sydney. Being the head office, we have the responsibility to visit them from time to time to conduct an internal audit. That's something I forgot to tell you during the interview. But it's company expense so you have nothing to  worry about."

I eyebrows knitted together, "Wait. Are you saying I'll get to go to the other offices?"

"Yes."  she nodded. "But not all the offices, we assign at least 3 associates per office so you'll all get a chance. I always go to every trip though to check how the branch is doing. It's spread throughout the year and we've already done L.A. last April, and London, Paris, and Milan last July. So, we  only have Sydney left and you'll come with us."

I nodded as I write down their internal audit conduct.

She continued, "That will happen this coming October. I'll update you about the details. For now, I'll discuss your work scope then we'll go and  introduce you to your new colleagues."

I  continued scribbling like crazy as she discussed my workload. It's...  okay? It's nothing I can't handle with proper introduction and training.

"So, did you get all that?" she asked.

"Yes, I think so, Ms. Campbell," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, please. Call me Harper. You make me feel... I don't know, both young and old at the same time with Ms. Campbell? My husband loves to call me Mrs. Campbell though." she chuckled.

"Oh, okay. That's actually kind of sweet, Ms." she glared at me and I shook my head in correction. "Harper."

She smiled at me, "Yeah, it actually is. And speaking of, I have to ask if you're currently engaged." she shook her head, "I mean are you in a  relationship? Do you have a boyfriend?" she shook her head again, "Or a girlfriend? I'm sorry, I don't want to just assume and be rude."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm single. And I don't have a boyfriend."

"Ooh... Alright then. That's good because our Initiation won't work unless your single." she smirked.

"Oh, okay?"

"It's a little unorthodox but I told you I want a fun office. So, for every new single employee in my department, we have a specific Initiation,"  she explained.

"Okay? So, uh, what is it?" I asked.

"It's a dare. It's simple but we upped the ante so it's a little more interesting."

I nodded, feeling a little skeptical of this so-called dare.

I gulped, "So, what's the dare?"

"Okay."  there's a glint of excitement in her eyes. "I dare you to ask out the  next guy who'll walk inside the department on a date."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I inhaled to steady myself instead.

She continued, "The rules are as follows, if the guy is married, ask the next guy, we aren't home-wreckers. If the guy has a girlfriend, one coffee date. Maximum 20 minutes, again, we aren't home-wreckers." she chuckled. "If the guy is single, 5 dates. And lastly, the guy has to be  willing to go on a date with you."

The air in her office began to feel thick. I've never been good at asking people out, much less doing a dare. I've always chosen Truth when we were playing Truth or Dare in middle school because that's how scared I am of dares.

"So, are you in?" she asked excitedly.

I  looked at Harper and her wide grin. I remember her telling me, from the interview, that Accounting is serious enough that's why she loves doing fun things – maybe to simply weather its dullness.

This job has offered me a lot and I haven't even started yet. I can't mess this up.

"Sure," I said forcing a smile on my lips.

"Great!" she clasped her hands together in excitement. "Now let's go and get you acquainted with the rest." she stood and I followed her.

"Everyone! May I have your attention please?" she announced, I stand behind her.

Everyone looked at her "C'mon, let's huddle." she continued.

They all stood from their workspace and walked to the middle.

I glance at the doors. No one still walked in.

Harper smiled, "So, how's everyone doing?"




They said simultaneously.

"That's good to hear. We have someone new in our team today to, you know,  replace Jen because she has to take care of her baby. Everyone, this is  Lauren Grant." she gestured towards me.

"Hi," I said raising my right arm in a wave.

"Uh, can everyone please take your chairs to the middle? We'll have a little meeting and an introduction, of course. It never hurts to be more comfortable."

Everyone proceeded to take their office chairs.

"Lauren, can you please grab those chairs for the two of us?" she pointed at the extra chairs stacked near her office.

"Sure," I said then took another glance at the doors before proceeding to get the chairs.

When I got back with the chairs, all of them were already settled. 

"Thanks," Harper said as she sat on her chair as I was sitting on mine. I gave the door another glance. Still nothing.

The door should be the least of my problems on my first day of work. I  should be nervous about the workload, about my new workmates, not about a  freaking door... Which can open anytime and there goes my biggest embarrassment.

Oh God, I never thought I'd say this but can the guy I'll date please have a girlfriend?

I'd go for the 20 minutes of coffee anytime than to do the excruciatingly long 5 dates.

"Good morning, everyone. As I said earlier, Lauren will be replacing Jen so she will handle the Accounts Receivable and other billings. Cassandra,  you have handled AR before, right?" Harper said.

"Yes, I have," Cassandra affirmed. She is sat on my left.

"Great,  so please walk Lauren through it." Cassandra nodded. "In the meantime,  please introduce yourselves to Lauren and the account you handle so she'll know who to reach out with regards to each of your accounts.  Dave, why don't you start?" she gestured towards Dave.

"Okay. I'm Dave. Accounts Payable." he said then they all said their names and their accounts.

I try to keep up and write as much as I could, their names and their accounts.

There are 15 of us in the Department, excluding Harper. They all seem so nice and I really hope they are.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra and I handle the General Accounts," she said with a smile then looked at me, signaling that I'm next.

"Oh, I'm Laur-"

"Ms. Campbell?" someone interrupted.

I froze. Someone's at the door.

I gulped. So, this may be it unless he's already married.

I muster up my courage then my eyes moved towards to entrance.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Axel James?"

How to Date an AssholeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora