Episode 22: Spark of Hatred

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Just what am I doing? 

I've promised to let Odasaku go and yet here I am helping Dazai to save him. What a hypocrite!

"The other one got away! Don't let them interfere the commander!" One of Mimic's men ordered.

There should only be a few of them left by now but it sounds like there's still a whole unit in here.

As one of them tried to chase Dazai, I picked up my pace and went to block his path. I caught his bullet in my hand the moment I appeared in front of him. 

"Sorry but...I won't allow you to interfere with my friend, too." I said before sending the bullet back to him. 

That's the fifth one. 

How many more...

It continued longer than I expected and I was sure there's something wrong going on. Mimic's men don't seem to decrease no matter how many I kill. 

And the time...it felt longer than usual.

Dazai's supposed to be there already, right? Something's not right. 

"Give up, woman...don't interfere with our salvation." One of them spoke.

"For this wretched world, only death can cleanse our sins...to die in the hands of that man, it's our salvation." The other one said.

Death can cleanse your sins, you say?


All of you did this in hopes for your souls to be saved?

"How convenient for you to say that...you lot must have lived a really good life, huh?" I scoffed, slowly letting myself out in the open. 

I removed my gloves.

As I let myself stand in the middle, Mimic's men also revealed themselves and immediately surrounded me.

A total of 12.

10 men had their guns pointed at me while the other two stood behind them. 

I cannot see their faces clearly because of their hood but I can definitely sense something. 

"Mock us if you want, but it won't change the fact that death will fall upon us all today." 

"Mock? I'm not mocking you. I was just telling the truth." I said in a monotonous voice. 

To pay for your own sins, you've got to live.

Live and suffer, repent and accept...one's salvation through death is nothing but wishful thinking.

"If you think that death is a way for you to cleanse your humiliation, your salvation, then you're all delusional. Even if you guys die, you won't redeem yourselves...there's no salvation in the death you speak of." 

"Shut your mouth. You know nothing-"

"Don't give me that crap." I cut him off. 

I've had enough of their fantasy.

"As a former soldier just like you, I'm disappointed that you're all really this naive and foolish. How you've sunken this low is beyond me. You want Odasaku to end your lives so that you can be saved? You're all disgusting..."

That man already gave up killing and yet you brought him here again.

Asking for salvation at the hands of others only shows how pathetic you are. People live to save themselves, sure, but this?

This is a pathetic way of doing it.

"You guys don't even deserve to die as soldiers anymore, stop dreaming." 

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