"You still have that?"💥Angst💥

Start from the beginning

"Goodluck on your speech Mr. Valedictorian." Mumbo teased.

"You too Mr. Salutatorian" Grian teased back.

Mumbo and Grian were extremely impressive students and were top 2 in their grade. They constantly had perfect test scores and were considered Geniuses. Which is why Grian was granted the Highest honour, Valedictorian, and Mumbo was Granted econd highest, Salutatorian.

The crowd silenced as Grian walked onto stage. Mumbo had just finished his speech and returned back to his front row seat. Excitement building as he watched Grian adjust the podium microphone.

"A wise man named Jim Rohn once said, 'Whatever good things we build end up building us' We're finally here everyone. The end of our construction, the day we step out with what we've learned and continue to build up our world. We are the next generation, Some of you may be familiar with the famous build battler, Dantdm. Or the combat artist, Popularmmos. They started and built the world we get to continue. Wether your interests are building, redstone, or PvP, we get to leave our mark and make a difference in the lives of so many people." Grian spoke passionately.

His speech continued with some thank you's and aknowlegments. Before ending his speech with

"Let's make the world a better place to be, and build up the foundations for the apprentices that will take our place in the bright future"

Grian took a bow before heading back to his seat. Graduation day ended in a flash and, just as Grian expected, He cried buckets. He embraced Mumbo as they walked home together. A pit welled up in his throat when he remembered that he and Mumbo were leaving for university in 2 months, and that Mumbo was going to The University of Redstone Sciences, which happened to be across the server from where Grian was to attend the University of Architecture. He sighed. They better make this summer last. Grian dug through his closet that night, trying to find his red flannel Pjs. He then found Mumbo's jacket from Freshman year. Smiling he snapped a picture of him wearing it in his mirror, shooting Mumbo a quick text.

"Promised I would give this back to you Lol"
Followed by a photo of him in the jacket. He had grown into it, even though it had fit Mumbo at 14 whereas it was still a bit too big for Grian, even at age 18.


Grian opened his eyes. University had started 3 months ago and it still felt so alone and unwelcome without waking up to Mumbo throwing rocks at Grians window. His mind raced back to a night where Grian and Mumbo drove down an open road on the coastline, windows rolled down, blasting music and singing at the top of their lungs. Good times. He rolled out of bed and got ready for the long day ahead.

~ Time skip brought to you by Grian's pet bird, Ari

Grian dropped his bag on the ground and flopped onto his bed, opening his laptop and scrolling to the facetime button. To his surprise, Mumbo answered in less than one ring.

"Hi babe, How was you day? You look tired" Mumbo asked, typical Mumbo, always concerned about Grian. Mumbo then noticed the jacket Grian was wearing. It was his, from freshman year. That day when it was -20c and Grian didn't have a coat. "You still have that?" MUmbo asked, chuckling a bit.

"Oh, yeah haha. I never got to give it back to you. I promise I will the next time we see each other" Grian replied, pulling the jacket closed and hugging himself. "I wear it all the time, I miss you"

Mumbo smiled, "I miss you too, how about we drive to the middle of our two schools this winter break, that's in about..." Mumbo checked his phone for the calendar. "About 4 days, Whaddya say?"

Grian agreed faster than he had ever agreed to anything before. And so the two began packing, staying on the facetime call with each other for another 3 hours.

~Time skip brought to you by lazy author

Grian pulled up to the Hermit coffee shop. Mumbo was supposed to meet him there soon. We went in and ordered a muffin and a coffee. Grabbing a spot by the window while he waited. The snow fell lightly today, Grian was sporting Mumbo's black jacket. He shot Mumbo a quick text.

"At the cafe, see you soon! I love you Mumby Jumby!" Grian placed his phone down and continued to stare aimlessly at a window.

*Spoiler Wall Lmao*

Mumbo's POV

He laid there, on the ground, bleeding out of his open wound. His head was cloudy, trying to remember what had just happened. The thoughts replayed in his head. He was driving through that in-between land, somewhere in the country. All he could remember was a giant truck swerving into his lane, then blackness. He woke up on the ground, bleeding and cold in the freshly fallen snow. He tried to scream for help, but every time he opened his mouth he felt warm blood bubbling up his throat. He couldn't be dying. He just couldn't. Not like this. Mumbo reached for his pocket, trying to ingnore the excrutiating pain that invaded his whole body. Grian, Are you there? I bet you are huh? Sitting in that cafe, wondering where I am. I'm sorry baby, Sorry I had to leave so soon. Without saying goodbye. But remember that you were my one and only love. Until we meet again Grian. Mumbo texted, his own blood staining the screen of the phone. The world went black around him as Grian recieved the message.

Grian stood over Mumbo's grave stone. Staring down as the rain drizzled lightly around him. He took off the black jacket, draping it over the gravestone, tears filling the small man's eyes as he spoke.

"You don't have to apologize for leaving me so soon Mumby. But I promised I would give this back didn't I? I'll give it back properly when I see you again"

Thanks to Grianfan For the idea on how to make you all cry more!
I have a love-hate relationship with angst at this point. This hurt to write bro. Hope you enjoyed!

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