64. Amphisbaena Twins

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"So what do you suggest." Joshua asked with furrowed brows.

Aidan sighed, "Get ready for death." He told them, "Follow me- it's not going to be easy." He smiled tightly.

"Okay so we kind of got approval at that... interaction? Whatever, anyways if we want to get to her in her room follow me." Aidan waved his hand.

Aidan leaded them to a stone wall and they looked at him like he was crazy.

"Trust me." He rolled his eyes and hit a certain spot.

The wall opened and it led to the secret tunnels that Serafina uses to get around. The other two were completely baffled and amazed so they followed him without any other complaints. They turned a few corners and Aidan suddenly stopped.

"Okay- it should... be right... around... here." He said pushing in a small door near the floor.

He peeked in and nodded, "It's a tight fit so... don't get stuck." He shrugged before crawling through.

The other two went in quietly with a little difficulty but still pushed through. They stood up to see her bathroom and sniffed the air.

"What is that?" Joshua asked.

"What is that scent and why does it smell that good?" Raphael sniffed again.

Aidan sniffed, "I don't know what you're talking about. It just smells like her. Wait- why are you sniffing? That's weird stop it. Now let's go you idiots." He scolded them walking to the door.

He opened it and peeked his head through again before filling walking in.

"She's there." He sighed pointing to the other side of her room where she was training.

She had headphones on full blast and was practicing with her knives twirling them in every direction. She threw them at the target and hit the bullseye and twirled throwing another.

Suddenly a knife flew in front of them and hit the wall next to them making all three jump.

"I believe I showed you the tunnels for an emergency only Aidan. So if it's not- then get out before I have Valen cut your little friends off." She hissed with her Italian accent shining through and she twirled her other knife.

Each of the studied her and instantly felt a little more relaxed than they had been before. She was wearing a matching workout outfit set and her hair was up in a ponytail. She was sweaty and some of her scars were on display and their eyes took in each one, they especially didn't miss her ribcage either.

Joshua snapped out of it first, "Actually- he knows we're here." He told her with a slight smirk.

She titled her head while taking out her headphones, "Really..." she trailed off, "Was exactly is it you came here for? I have things to do, can't you see?" She rolled her eyes.

"Not anymore you don't. Get dressed so we can take you out. Now." Raphael said sternly with no room for argument.

Aidan cringed, "ooOoo... you probably shouldn't have said it like that." He whispered a bit scared, "Listen little grape- he didn't mean it like that," he looked at Serafina who was getting angry, "What he meant to say was, do you mind getting dressed so we can take you out? We have already talked to your dad and he thinks it's a good idea. Of course only if you agree, don't you think it's time to get out?" He asked softly at the end.

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