31. Bad boys

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I watched my mom and aunts storm out of the room, and kept my eyes on the door. I wanted to go after Serafina, we already scolded her and made her cry on accident last night but we didn't take it that far. He told her to go with him, the man who abused and sexually assaulted her. She didn't say anything and just sat there, taking it all.

I don't understand how he talked to her like that after everything that's happened. I may hate to admit it but they have the closest bond and he might have just broken it. He saved her, she saved him, she fought her way back to us and the first person she went for was him. She looked straight at him and smiled and gave up knowing she was safe, because of him. And yet, he hurt her more than anyone right now.

"Alessandro. What were you thinking?" Grandma fumed.

He looked down, "I- It just came out." He sighed.

"You should be ashamed. She looks up to you the most out of everyone in the family, and you told her to go back to her abuser and kidnapper." She glared.

"What did you want me to do? She was missing for two hours." Dad rushed out.

"But she told you we already talked to her and we did. I understand you're mad but come on dad." Leo shook his head.

Dad huffed, "I need some air. Boys be training after you're done." He grumbled and walked away.

My eyes moved to the window, "Why didn't she fight back?" I whispered.

Grandpa sighed, "Because, she knew it was coming. The princess is smart and doesn't do anything without reason or knowledge of consequences." He pointed out. He turned to grandma, "Come hazelnut, let's get you some paint to ease your stress." He said her nickname and offered his hand.

Both left silently and no one else really talked, I hope so badly she won't start closing off again.

Uncle Emiliano stood, "Come on boys, let's start training. Everyone needs a distraction." He half smiled.

Silently trailing him I was conflicted on this matter and I just wanted to get in my car and go after them. But I knew they'd castrate me if I intruded on their girls day, almost happened before and I do not want a repeat. All of us entered the gym and went straight to our specific spots and started our daily routines.

Dad came in about 30 minutes later and started talking to my uncles with a frown on his face. I know he's sorry but I'm not sure how she'll react to us now and it makes me sad.

"Boys." Uncle Carmelo called.

We stopped and lined up in front of them, dads phone went off and he picked up, "Bella?" He answered quietly. Suddenly his face paled and he put the phone on speaker, "Princess? What's going on?" He panicked. We all stepped forward, "Dadd-ccc, ma-ccccc, he-ccc." Her voice cut in and out. He started walking out and we all followed, "Princess I can't hear you? What's wrong?" He questioned. A loud sound thump came from the phone, "The shop, we-" her voice cut off again but by gun fire. At that point we were all sprinting to the cars, "Stay on the phone baby." He pleaded. We jumped in different cars, "It- ugh!" And the line went dead.

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