62. One Month

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Pietro pulled me to the dining room and I sat down quietly hoping this would be over soon.

"So did you get everything or anything you wanted today?" He asked pouring himself some red wine.

I nodded and waited patiently not wanting to anger him in any way.

He hummed, "I'm glad. Remember as long as you behave you can have anything your heart desires. No matter what the cost." He smiled.

I looked down because that wasn't true, I wanted to go home and we both know it wouldn't happen.

'I know, Thank you.' I signed.

Pietro narrowed his eyes, "It would be much better if you started using your words again. It's ridiculous at this point Serafina, you have no reason to be this upset." He scoffed.

I took a deep breath, 'I'm just not feeling well. I might be getting sick.' I signed sadly.

"Oh darling... why didn't you tell me then?" He lightly scolded touching my forehead, "Do you want me to call a doctor? We can get them to run some tests." He offered.

I shook my head, 'I'm sure I'll be fine soon. I don't believe it's that serious.' He watched my hands carefully.

"Only if you say so darling. But if you start feeling worse we will call one. No excuses." He sighed leaning back.

A maid brought us food and throughout the entire time there was an awkward silence- well for me. Pietro mostly kept his eyes on me the whole time and I hated the feeling of him watching me.

"So tell me darling..." he suddenly said, "What exactly did you two talk about when you stopped on the side of the road?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

I put my fork down, 'He was just telling me things about you. Things you did as a kid, when he found you, and what you like. Things like that.' I lied with a tight smile.

"Is that so?" He questioned doubtfully.

I nodded, "Tell me what's my favorite color then and why?" He demanded.

'Green because even if you hate your mother, you have always loved the color of her eyes.' I signed confidently.

"First Kill?" He asked.

'36 year old Marcus Vander. You killed him because he owed money and didn't pay up. You even gave him an extension but he didn't fulfill his end of the deal. You were only 14 at the time and ever since then you've killed at least 2 people a day.' I signed before looking away.

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