14. His Beloved

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Opening my eyes seemed impossible. My whole body felt heavy which confused me since I didn't weigh much. I couldn't remember anything that happened, and the harder I tried the more my head hurt.

"Sera my beloved it's time for you to get up." I heard Petro say.

I don't think I've ever froze so fast before. Everything came rushing back, the party, the guns, saving Sandro, everything.

It took me a few minutes but I managed to open my eyes, I whimpered from the light. I blinked, looking down to see I was tied down to a chair, I was in a nightgown but could feel a bandage over my wound. The room was small and lit up half way from a bright light. There was a small mat in the corner and a tiny window by it.

"Do you like it?" Petro asked breaking me from my thoughts, biscuits.. I forgot about him. I looked around but didn't see anyone till I heard a slight shift. I snapped my head to one of the corners and squinted my eyes. A deep chuckle ran through the room making me huff.

He stepped into the light so I could see his idiot face. It's no secret that he has looks, I mean I know I'm only five but I know when someone is attractive or not, and he is. That just made me even more mad since I couldn't insult his looks.. or can I. He looks like a blonde Ken from Barbie a bit. I looked at him from head to toe in disgust, his pale skin accompanied by his perfect blonde hair. The only thing I hated about his appearance was his brown almost black eyes that he makes me look at every single time. He had his dumb signature smirk he always had when with me.

I grunted, "How long?" I asked simply looking at the wall. He licked his lips, "8 months." I rolled my eyes, "I meant how long have you had me. Not how long since you've seen me." I hissed which resulted in a slap.

I didn't cry or beg because that's what he wanted. He always said that I should never beg to anyone, unless I was begging him. Which of course would never ever happen, no way.

He groaned, "Look what you made me do Sera. You know I don't like punishing you but I will if you keep testing me." He said seriously. I looked away from his eyes, I hate them, "LOOK AT ME!" I looked in his eyes.. "That's better. You know I love your eyes my beloved." I almost gagged but I couldn't or I'd be in trouble.

I looked at him with a blank face. Petro König. I might be young but around a year ago I overheard him taking to my parents about his work when I was cleaning. He was the leader of the German Mafia but wants to be the best so he wants to take down the Italians. Now I'm assuming the Donatello's are the Italian mafia but I don't care they took care of me and they're my family now.

Petro has been around for a while, always calling me his beloved saying I was his and only his. He always said that when I'd turn sixteen we'd marry. He came to visit when I was in Scotland but they always made sure he didn't know I was abused for some reason. They'd dress me up and cover my bruises with makeup whenever he came around.

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