11. Preparation Nation

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


It has been a month. A whole month with my principessa and let me tell you there is never a dull moment. Her giggles fill the halls, her smile lights our world, and her presence itself calms everyone around her. I watched her play pranks with the boys on each other, I watched her bake and cook with Gianna, I watched her joke around with my friends and guards, she has everyone wrapped around her finger.

I have seen what see has done to my wife, my sons, my friends, and soon family. It is no secret that the Donatello's haven't had a female heir in 5 generations. No matter how hard our family tried to have a girl it just didn't happen. My father was the first one in four generations to have more than one child but he only had 5 boys in result. I'm the eldest of course and my brothers tried to have girls as well but it that just resulted in 19 nephews but 23 boys in total if you include my sons. We all craved it. A little girl, a princess, someone we could all treasure no matter what. I believe that girl is my bambina because, if I could love her, if Valentino could love her then everyone else would too.

I am currently sitting in my office with my bella Gianna and my little girl in my lap while preparing for a ball that we will hold in order to introduce her to the family and our allies. When I say it is preparation nation you better believe it because my office is covered in papers and templates for the table designs.

"Sandro.. Gigi I like this one." I heard my princess say pointing at a black and white style. She hasn't called us mom and dad but we are patient, we know it is hard for her, we know that those words could be difficult and be a trigger. Thankfully she has only had a few nightmares and only one panic attack and nothing more than that. I remember waking up from hearing her screams from next to me and my chest physically hurt. I wanted to take her pain so badly.

"Ohh that's nice baby, okay we will do this one and have them rush it since the ball is tomorrow night." I heard Gianna breaking me from my thoughts.

I heard a yawn and looked down to my chest where I saw her trying to stay awake. I looked at the clock and saw 10:30pm so I talked to her softly, "Come on principessa it's past your bedtime." I looked at Gianna "Bella come to bed soon I don't want you up late." I told her sternly. She smiled at me while on the phone "Okay I just have two more calls, one to the catering company and your parents." I nodded and walked out.

My parents are on the way from their vacation so they would most likely be awake. My parents are Gregorio and Karina Donatello, my father is a replica of myself so no needed description but my mother is tall tan skinned beautiful woman. She has a special shade of brown hair and hazel eyes similar to Serafina. I can't even stress how many men fall for my mother and say she is a goddess and I agree she is stunning. I can assure everyone my father is very possessive of her but he doesn't get jealous that much because he knows that she loves only him and at the end of the day she is his wife.

I opened the door to my room and went straight to the bathroom. I put her on the bench and turned on the water for a bath, "okay baby I know you're tired but let's get you a quick bath" she mumbled an ok and I got her washed being careful of her wounds. She only has a few light bruises and her stitches just came out a few days ago since she healed surprisingly fast.

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