•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷•

Start from the beginning

"Naruto what are yo-"

"No Y/N! I will not let Sasuke give up our scroll like this! I never knew Sasuke to be a wimp. This Sasuke has to be a fake cause the real Sasuke was too smug to give up!"

I look at Naruto with a sad look. He was right though, seeing Sasuke this frightened isn't like him and seeing him like that makes me even more terrified. The battle continues as I use my Sharingan to block and attack the snake. Naruto even ends up saving Sasuke from a snake attack but the nine tails activated because of it...I hope he is able to control it. Naruto is able to lure the snake away from both me and Sasuke but now we faced the woman, head on.


"Not now Sasuke, I just...lets talk about 'this' later." I say facing Sasuke and pointing to my red eyes. He can't help but stare at me, looking deep into my face and observing the similarities my Sharingan had to his. It was no doubt that I was an Uchiha based on how they worked. I didn't steal these eyes at all, I was born with them. Sasuke slowly nods and looks back at the enemy. She launches at both of us but we fend her off, shoving her into a tree and unable to move.

I walk over towards Sasuke and hug him. It takes him a minute to respond but he eventually hugs back, holding tight. I didn't know what else to do, it must be hard learning that you aren't the only person to have supposedly lived. I spin Sasuke and I so I am facing the woman, just in time to watch as her neck expands and moves to try and attack us.

I throw Sasuke to the side and feel a sharp pain in my arm. I look down at the thing as she had her fangs deep in my arm. I stubbornly and quickly knock her head off my arm as I take out my O Tanto and try to stab her head. There had been a black mark tattooing itself on my arm but when the woman unlatched herself, it faded away.

"She just tried to put a curse mark on me...I have heard of those from older shinobi. Good thing I didn't give her much time to place it completely.." I grab my arm and rub it in pain as I spin to the side to look as Sasuke move in front of me.

"Sasuke what are you do-!?" The woman tries to launch at Sasuke but he pushes her off with his kunai knife. She is after Sasuke now. The words from the card replay in my head like a melody.

You are a perfect specimen Y/N, you will do just fine as Sasuke will too. If I can't get you, I will get him. Remember that.

She is after Sasuke now, I repeat to myself. The snake takes another launch and this time, Sasuke doesn't have time to react. She turns her neck and launches at Sasuke, biting his neck. Sasuke yells out in agony and shock making the woman smile.

"SASUKE NOOO! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I scream. I feel my legs sprint as I scrape my wakizashi on the floor. I manage to get between them and chop most of the woman's hair off. She retracts her neck and head back to her body and begins to sink under the wood.

"You might not realize now Y/N, but I did Sasuke a little favor. He will come to me for power at some point. See this as a parting gift..." She stuck out her disgusting tongue one last time before completely disappearing in front of us, as if she never existed. I feel my whole body shake out of exhaustion and I let my wakizashi fall to the floor as I breath in and out harshly, out of order.

The air had abrupt in screams and cries making me flip around and run to the source. I hold Sasuke by his shoulders and continue to ask him if he is ok but the only response I keep getting is his cries out in pain and agony. I start to tear up from these sounds and bring his head into my chest, crying into his back.

"S-sasuke I'm sorry. P-please be ok, oh my god, please be ok. I know it hurts, I know...Sasuke!!" I sob out, holding him close to me as we both sob for very different reasons. I take my hands and shakily put it on the dark mark on his neck, rubbing it softly in hopes that the pain would fade from it.

"Y-Y/N!" He manages to sob out before he starts to cry out again. I feel my heart breaking from these sounds. I can't take it anymore! This is too much for me! I squeeze harder around his body and without thinking, I start to plant kisses on his neck. I couldn't stop myself I hated to admit it but I loved him so much and the kissing was more for comfort than of lust. I wanted to make him feel better even if that meant I had to kiss his pain away. His body becomes less tense from my actions and I quickly stop when his body stops moving. The only sound left is Sasuke's and mines heavy breathing.

He finally moves his body away from mine and slowly sits up. Both of our Sharingan's were still activated as we faced each other one last time. I feel more tears stream down my face but a pair of hands touch my wet tears and wipes them away, caressing my cheeks at the same time. I feel my eyes relax meaning my sharingan has deactivated and I look up at Sasuke's cold and tear stained face. I have never seen him so vulnerable before and I made me more sad at the sight.


I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a tight embrace. I have never felt so warm before..I wrap my arms around Sasuke's neck, careful not to put any pressure on his sore mark and embrace him with just as much force.

'Oh Sasuke, thank the Four Hokage you are okay." ❤


•Uchiha• (⋅𝙎𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙚 × 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ⋅)Where stories live. Discover now