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      00:01 At Mystery Mountain...

    Night Ninja was sneaking up in the bamboo forest followed by his ninjalinos to the portal that leads to the city.

-"Hurry up ya slowpokes! Let's go before An Yu founds out that we came here and stole another scrolls of the mountain!" bark the ninja leader

-The Ninjalinos: *gibberish* (Yes sir!)

    *Suddenly, Marvin waved to him warning him that he saw An Yu passing*

-Night Ninja: An Yu is around!? Ah shoot! Not her again! Where is she?

-Marvin: *pointing to the north*

-Night Ninja: I'll go check on what is she doing, you guys can go

    The Ninjalinos nobs and ran to the portal while their leader ran to the north to find their dragon girl rival. An Yu was walking throught the bamboo forest followed by the ninja villain, Night Ninja kept following her 'til he saw her stopping  infront of a statut and kneeling down to it...

-Night Ninja: *hiding behind a rock* Huh? What's she's doing? Better get closer *he tried to get closer but he accidently stepped on a branch* Ooops!

-An Yu: Huh? *turn back* Night Ninja?!

-Night Ninja: *blush* Uh.... See ya! *throw a smoke bomb and disappear*

-An Yu: *cought* What did that ninja want now?!

    Meanwhile, back to the city, Night Ninja was standing near the portal processing about what he saw....

-Night Ninja: ...... What was that...? Why was she kneeling to that statut? Is it magical? *gasp* What if it's another magical statut of mystery mountain? Tomorrow I'll go there figure it out! *he left*

       To be continued...

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