Nobody Was Looking For Me

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Kai acted as coach from the sidelines as Aang trained with the two other benders. They'd blindfolded him and spun him around a few times, forcing him to rely solely on his mind's eye for guidance. Three pillars of stone flew toward him and he dodged them with ease. But his mind's eye also had to help his oversized ears work harder. Aang could hear water flowing through the air. A whip controlled by Katara lashed out in his direction, he was able to redirect it and smack the water bender against the wrist. And then, just to impress Toph, he sent an unexpected boulder hurdling her way. She stopped it midair.

"Nice job, Twinkle Toes." She said. "Visualize, then attack!" Toph sent the boulder flying back toward him. Aang did what the badgermole would do and burrowed into the ground.

The boulder missed Aang by a long shot and hit Katara square in the chest, knocking her on her ass and covering her with dirt. She stood up and dusted off her dress, scowling. "Maybe you should take your own advice, Toph!"

"What's the matter? Can't handle a little dirt, Madame Fussy-Britches?" Toph mocked. But she was soon the butt of the joke when Katara splashed her with a refreshing wave of cool water.

Sokka had been hiding behind a small hill, readying himself for his sneak attack, but the girlfight going on in front of them demanded more attention. He bumped Kai's hip with his own when he joined her. "What's their deal?" He asked, standing a bit closer than he might've a few days before.

Kai shrugged her crossed arms and leaned her shoulder against his side. They couldn't get too comfy around the others, not that they ever really had alone, either. They hadn't had a moment to even talk about their kiss or what it meant since fleeing from Shiva, the metal man.

"They've been pushing each other's buttons all day." She said. "Now's your chance. Aang's not paying attention."

Sokka looked down at her with determination written all over his face. He tiptoed slowly toward the avatar, who still had his back turned to them. But as excitement overwhelmed the boy, he lifted his space sword and took off full speed ahead.

"SNEAK ATTAAACK!" Sokka yelled. Aang didn't bother turning to look at him as he waved a wall of earth into his path, stopping the warrior dead in his tracks.

Kai smacked her face from second hand embarrassment. "Sokka.. sneak attacks don't work if you yell it out loud." The wall disappeared and Sokka fell flat on his back.

"I think your training's done for the day, Aang." She said as she approached Sokka. The battle between earth and water still raged in the mud pit near them, but that wasn't Kai's quarrel to settle. She kneeled next to Sokka and patted him firmly on the cheek until he opened his big blue eyes.

"Any feedback?" He asked.

She huffed a small laugh and straightened back up. "Yeah. Do better." With the stomp of her foot, the bed of earth below him forced him to stand. Sokka chased after her as she walked nonchalantly away from the other three.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" Aang yelled from a distance.

"Into town!" She shouted back as Sokka caught up. "Do your avatar thing, figure out why Katara and Toph can't get along. We'll be back before dinner!"

Aang turned back around to see the two girls at each other's throats and covered from head to toe in mud. He sighed dramatically, this may be his toughest mission yet.


Sokka followed closely behind Kai as she strolled through the outdoor farmer's market. Fire Nation crop was in season this time of year and the produce stands were overflowing with hearty fruits and vegetables -- but food of such quality came at a price.

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