Chapter 1

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Iris pov*

The day I feared the most is arrived. Mr Clark my boss is quitting his CEO position for his son.
I never saw his son so it's not that which bothers me but I am very comfortable with Mr Clark.

He is a very good man who gives me my first and only opportunity to work after my graduation and I will be forever grateful for that. I was on the verge of tears when my office phone rang

"Iris could you come to my office please"

"Yes sir"

I entered and my smile came up instantly when I saw my boss face. He has this wonderful warmth in his eyes and his smile makes me have all the confidence I never had before meeting him.

"Take a seat Iris" He said

"Like you know today is the last day we are going to work together"

I nodded feeling sad.

"I call you because I want to discuss some topics with you...My son will take over the business and I want you to help and support him like you did for these 3 years with me"

"If you want the truth you are the one who helped me" I said shyly

"That's what you think" he winked at me and I chuckled. Did I say that this man has a gold heart?

"So like I said you will accompany him in this new journey and I know you doubt yourself and your capacities but you don't have to because you are a very smart and amazing woman who is able to do everything she wants"

I looked at him with teary eyes; he always has the good words in the good moments. How I will do without him. I smiled at him while he was staring at me with this fatherly look begging me to believe in his words.

"Yes Mr Clark I will do everything I can to help your son making this company more prosper than it already is. You can count on me Sir"

"Good then" He said and gave me an envelope.

"What is it?"

"Open it"

I frowned when I saw its content. It's a contract.

"Why you give me a new contract" I asked looking back at him

"I made this new contract for you with new arrangements"


"I want to secure your position in my company before I left"

Not really understanding his means I kept silent for him to continue

"Like you know I am very happy with your work I value your skills and for that I want you to stay and continue your excellent work. I made this new contract to secure your place so my son won't be able to fire you without my consent"

I should be happy to hear that but what caught my attention it's the 'my son won't be able to fire you'. Why he will want to fire me at the first place if I do my work properly

"Weirdly I am not reassured" I said softly

He laughed and replied

"Relax it's just for safety, my son could be short tempered sometimes and you are like my daughter Iris so consider it like a father who wants to protect his daughter"

Oh my God I won't definitely survive without this man, I didn't know I was crying until Mr Clark came to me kneeled in front of me and wiped my tears gently with his thumb.

"How I will do without you Mr Clark" I said with trembling lips

"You will do good don't worry Iris. Just have faith on yourself ok?"

I nodded.

"Can I hug you" I found myself asking, he smiled stood up and opened his arms for me

I felt all the warmth, the respect, the proud and the happiness a daughter can feel in her father's arms. Mr Clark was definitely the father's figure I never had.

Freeing himself from my tight embrace and took my face in his large hands

"Don't be sad; this will be a new chance for you to prove yourself" He said looking straight in my eyes

"Yes I won't disappoint you"

"I know this already" He replied

He returned to his chair

"I also increased your salary" He added like it was nothing

"What?!Why? You are already so generous with me" I almost yelled

"You deserve it Iris, plus I know you support your mother so I make this for her too"


"It's final I don't want any argument Iris" He replied with his boss tone

I smiled at him and thanked him.

"Do you need something before I return to my work Sir?"

"No Iris thank you"

I bowed my head and went back to my office. I finished everything I had before I go home. I looked at my watch it's already 7 pm. Mr Clark is still here so I went to him. I heard a small come in after I knocked

"Iris you are still here"

"Yes I am about to take my leave, I am here to inform you and ask if you need something"

"No it's ok Iris you can go and have some rest. Don't forget the party tomorrow"

I forgot about this, Mr and Mrs Clark are going to organize a party to present their son to the employees. I was lost in my thought when my boss spoke again

"You don't forget do you? You know you will meet my son Adam" He asked softly

Adam this name doesn't bring good memories but thanks God it is not the same one.

"No I don't forget" I lied and added "I will be there"

"See you tomorrow then" Mr Clark replied

"Have a nice evening Mr Clark" I said and made my way to the door. I turned to look at him because it will be the last time I will see him sitting behind this desk and that hurt my heart a little.

But the times came for him to rest from all this stress and work and enjoy his life with his wife. It will be his new journey and mine will start the next week with my new boss.

I hope I will be fine. 

 This is my new story I hope you will like it so kindly vote, share and leave your comments

Have a nice day everyone

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