Chapter 25

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Adam pov*

I smiled at the view in front of me Iris resting her head on the seat with her mouth slightly open and sleeping peacefully. She looked so cute and innocent but for me so dangerous because the only thing I wanted to do was to kiss her until we lost our breath. I chuckled at my thoughts. We took an early flight so it's normal for her to be this tired. Like I said I took my flight back only with her with me. These past few days with her in her mom's house was fabulous who known that Iris could be so funny. We spent the New Year together, dancing, laughing until dawn...

I knew my behaviour annoyed her and I enjoyed so much her reactions, her face when she was angry at me but controlled herself, the way she tried to avoid me and the funniest part when she wanted to humiliate me at the store. She thought I didn't understand her little game but I was aware and played along her face at this moment was so precious; I fought so hard to not explode in laughter. Everything was smooth until we met this Mike guy, who does he think he is? Stupid jerk anyway I didn't want to think about him, there were a lot of thing more important for me than him and the first one was to win Iris' trust first. I knew that I needed a lot of patience, perseverance and right steps to be in her good side. I will do everything to achieve that because she is so worth it.


Finally it was the weekend and like every Saturday I will have a date with Iris it's become a habit in the last two months. I took her to lunch or dinner, we hang out all day or till late in the night.

It was hard to convince her at the beginning but I didn't give up I tried and tried until she said yes and after our first date I told her to book all her Saturdays for me. I enjoyed being with her and I could tell she became comfortable with me too. She was so surprised when I spent the Valentine's Day with her, it was the first time I spent this day with a woman so I was a little nervous not knowing exactly what to do but everything was right and it was one of my best day because I was able to kiss her. I was in the clouds when she responded. Before this day I took baby steps with Iris not wanting to scare her. I gave her kisses on the forehead or cheeks, took her hand in mine gave her small hugs. But even with these small gestures I was happy.

I prepared something special for our next date. I planned to cook myself and it will be at my penthouse : a good meal, a good drink and good music.

The morning I went to the groceries, passed by the florist to grab a nice bouquet, I called my mother for the recipe, she was so shocked to know that I will cook but thanks to God she didn't ask any questions. I did all this when the cleaner was at my house; I wanted everything to be perfect.

At 8 o'clock sharp I heard the doorbell. I finished rolling up my sleeve and run to the door

"Hey" Iris said softly

"Good evening"

"I hope I am not early?" She asked

"No you are just in time"

She smiled and handed me a box

"I brought dessert, your favourite" She said shyly

"Thanks, let me take your coat"

"It smells good" Iris said walking towards the living room

"I hope the taste will be as good as the smell" I said walking to serve the drinks

"So tell me how your day was?" I asked giving her the glass

" usual Saturday is always a busy day you know" she replied taking a sip

And like that we chat for some time before having our dinner, after I lit a few candles and put a musical background. Everything was perfect; I felt at my place I no longer had the notion of time. We were in comfortable silence, Iris looking at the artificial chimney while I was looking at her, how someone can be so beautiful without even trying. At this moment I blamed myself for hurting this amazing soul, how could I be so stupid to even doubt her? She is the innocence incarnate. What happened with us was a great lesson for me and I am glad that the life brought us together again and gave me a second chance. I was lost in my thought fixing my eyes on her when I felt her touch on my arm.

"What were you thinking, I called you several times" She said softly looking at me with her curious eyes

I didn't reply but took her hand in mine and kissed it. I got up with her hand still in mine

"Dance with me"

"Oh no... I don't think it's a good idea"

"Why that"

"Well.... I am a poor dancer and I really want you to be able to walk comfortably on your feet after that"

"I will gladly take it if you share a dance with me"

"Huum ok but don't tell I didn't warn you" She said softly with a smile

She didn't lie, dancing was definitely not her forte but having her in my arms was worth it. She kept apologising each time he stepped on my feet and was clearly embarrassed so to shut her off I smashed my lips on her. Surprised at first, she didn't respond but feeling my fingers caressing her waist she let out a moan and gave me the most delicious kiss. Our hands freely roamed on our bodies until I detached myself from her. My eyes fixed on hers asking her a silent question to which she responded by pecking shyly my lips and bend her eyes. I put my finger under her chin making her look at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked

She nodded

"Do you want me as much as I want you" I asked again

She nodded

"I need words baby, I don't want you to feel any pressure, nor to think I made all this to seduce you" I added caressing her bottom lip with my thumb. Her cheeks became so red revealing her shyness, but her eyes was shinning with envy. After long seconds she blurted

"Yes more than anything"

This was the signal I was waiting for; I took her in my arms and made long strides to my room, eagerly making this night unforgettable...  


Hello lovely people I hope you are good and are enjoying your summer

I want to personnally thank @Janarura and @ShahlaAhmad for their comments and support. 

I love reading your comments girls😉!!!

Thank you too to all the person reading my story. 

Have a nice evening. 

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