Don't lose the loose change in your pocket: Grammar-ish

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Here's a quick rundown of common grammar-ish you'll find in cliché romance:

🚫Your MC is starring at her crush. She really should stop doing that because of one of these days, he's gonna catch her staring.

🚫Your MC is sad in this moment, and she was also hungry. It was hard to be present when all she wants is to see her tense boyfriend.

🚫Yesterday, my bestie said to me "You're such a good writer." She was just being nice, though, since I'm unsure how to use punctuations in my dialogue.

I said, "I'm trying, okay?"

"Here, let me help you get better." She took a peek at my writing. Then, she said, "For one, try using different dialogue tags. You're using 'said' too much."

🚫When you lie down on your lover's bed for the first time, I think you're doing it now. When you lay down on his bed for the first time, I think it already happened. But then when you lay his books on his table, I'm unsure of when you did this until I read the rest of the scene for context. 

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