Oh, she's seen it, alright. But Camila really tried to ignore the way her heart seemed to swell at Lauren's words. At least she likes it. Shit. This is why she writes about her. Under normal circumstances, she would've written about this moment. But she couldn't. Not anymore, anyway.

"How do you know it's you? There are a lot of Laurens at this school..." Camila brought up pathetically.

"Yeah, but I'm the only Lauren Michelle Jauregui here," she emphasized as she opened the journal. Right there on the page was Lauren's name in hearts. Actual fucking hearts. Camila cringed inwardly, cursing herself again. Once for the hearts, and again for writing her full name. Like an idiot.

"So?" Camila shrugged.

"Really Mila?" Normani sighed in annoyance. She couldn't see why Camila was being so difficult.

"Camz, please? They're all helping me. And I probably need your help. You read people better than anyone I know. You'd be able to detect who it was just by talking to them. Please?" Lauren pouted as she latched onto Camila's shoulder.

God, and now she was looking at her pleadingly with those gorgeous eyes. That puppy dog face could leave anyone at her mercy. Camila knew that if she looked at her, there was no going back. She would agree and then her secret would be out. She was sure. But there was an intangible pull between the two of them. It was demanding Camila's attention and she couldn't resist.

When she finally met her eyes, she melted. Lauren was looking into her soul. Like, her actual soul. She didn't know how she was able to do that. She always did it. And now in their close proximity, there was no way she could deny her while she was looking at her like that. As she looked down at she green-eyed girl attached to her shoulder, her heart clenched.

She tore her gaze away and turned her head. She was going to regret this. She was going to regret this a lot. "...Fine. Okay," Camila finally relented.

Lauren squealed and threw her arms around her, hugging her impossibly tight. She nuzzled her face into the crook of her neck like she always did. Her scent intoxicated her. Camila knew there was no hope or even any remote possibility of containing her feelings. She loved Lauren. It was going to show eventually. But for now, she just held on as Lauren cuddled into her.


"Dinah, you know that was my journal, right? Lauren found my journal. The journal," Camila expressed to Dinah on their way to their lockers.

She'd waited all day to inform her best friend about it. Previously, they'd all been with one of the other three girls, and she didn't have the chance to talk about it. Now that they were alone, she seized the opportunity.

"Of course I know," Dinah rolled her eyes, a bit offended that Camila assumed she didn't.

"You were acting like you didn't," Camila said in confusion.

"Well no shit, what did you expect me to do? Say 'Oh, that's Camila's. By the way, she's in love with you'?" Dinah asked incredulously.

"Shut up," Camila groaned. Dinah laughed, but she tuned that out. Her mind was running rampant. As they were walking, it gave her time to contemplate ways to getting out of it. She rolled her eyes at herself. She shouldn't even have to get out of it. She shouldn't have agreed at all. None of them should have.

Camila slapped Dinah's arm forcefully. "And why would you agree to helping her find out who it is when you know it's me?" she took her frustration out on the younger girl.

"I couldn't say no, then she would've thought I was being a bitch. There was literally no reason to say no, you better chill out," Dinah threatened as she rubbed where Camila had hit her.

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