Chapter 17

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A swirling darkness punctuated by strange lights as all that could be seen as Steve's consciousness slowly came back. He could feel the ropes that held him tight against the chair—but something was different. The bonds dug into his skin, without the protective layer of clothing . . . and he could also feel the tightness around his penis.

His eyes fluttered open and Steven was surprised to find that he was no longer before the dining table. Instead, he sat in the middle of the living room.

A single lamp in the corner illuminated the place, and shadowed Rose, who was standing before him.

"I saved you for something special," she sneered.

"Why don't you just get it over with," he muttered. "We both know you're just here for the kill."

"Because I'm gonna teach you how I deal with little bastards like you. You thought I couldn't see how you were trying to manipulate me. What'd you think you could do? Huh? Drive me over the brink?" She spat at him. "You snivelling cuck! Thinking you're so above me! Trying to take away everything that I made! What really matters!" she hissed. "Well, I'm gonna take away what matters to you."

She stepped aside to reveal a shotgun resting in a wooden brace. He followed the line of the muzzle to find that it was aimed at his crotch. A small string was tied tightly around his penis, under the head so it wouldn't slip off.

He gasped at the realization.

"Before we go any further, I should explain. The string around your cock is taught enough that any slight movement may cause it to trigger the shotgun. I'm going to turn you on for the final time. Try not to get all hot and bothered."

She walked over to a stereo system and began playing sensuous music.

Making her way back over, she slowly began to unbutton her shirt. Accentuating the popping of each button.

He was bewildered. His mind was a cesspool of depression, horror, and repulsion. Repulsion at the girl before him. The bitch that ruined his life. There was nothing sexy about her anymore. She was nothing more than a mentally-diseased fiend.

She ripped the top away and began massaging her breasts before his eyes. Squeezing them together and sliding her tongue in the deep cleavage they created.

Stepping closer, Rose shoved her breasts into his face and began straddling him. She unhooked her bra and tossed it aside.

He wanted to laugh—but didn't know if it was possible after what he witnessed. This imbecile really thinks she can turn me on. It was comical, really. She didn't stand a chance to arouse him. He was more frightened that she would accidentally trip the wire herself. Because at the moment, he was succeeding in not blowing his balls away.

"Don't I turn you on?" she whispered, leaning in and kissing him.

As Rose pulled away, she looked into his eyes. He narrowed his before spitting in her face.

"You cunt-sucker!" she screamed.

She climbed off him and grabbed a whip. Slowly she raised it, aiming for the string between him and the gun. "This is what you get, little man!"

Before she could lash the string, a large object whizzed through the air and struck her in the head. Rose's eyes rolled up as she toppled over, unconscious.

He looked down to see that it was a toaster. Then, turning his head towards the kitchen, he saw Emilia standing in the entryway.

"Get some scissors," he begged.

She went and pulled out a pair from a drawer. Emilia didn't realize that he didn't want them for his bonds until she stepped into the room and saw what he was hooked up to. She kicked the gun away from them and it went off as it hit the ground, making the stereo explode.

She went over and began cutting him loose.

"I didn't think you'd come!" he cried.

"I heard a bang when I picked up; knew there was trouble."

Once free of the ropes, he stood up and hugged her. She held him close.

"If only you knew what I've been through . . ."

"I will in due time." She kissed him and broke free of his hold. They stared down at Rose—a pathetic heap on the ground. "But first, we've gotta deal with her."

They spent the next three hours preparing for their act of vengeance.

Steven devised a plan and prepared the necessities. Simultaneously he tried to get over what had happened earlier that night—enough to properly perform the final showdown. He so wished to do anything but leave Lily lying in the dining room, however time was of essence.

While they were carrying Rose to the car from the house (after having drugged her), Steven yelped as he sunk into the ground beneath him. A putrid odor blasted up from decayed slime that burst out of the earth. He didn't want to know what he had fallen into—besides the fact that it was something very dead.

Cleaning himself up and enduring a long drive, he was ready. So was Emilia.

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