Chapter 4

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Emilia was panicked. It had been four days since Harper was last seen. She wasn't answering her texts or calls, and hadn't been active on social media in a while.

No one answered her knocks and shouts at the apartment. But she managed to break the lock and snoop around.

The place was desolate and foreboding. Most of the girls' things were still there, besides clothing and some necessities.

Something was clearly wrong, and it could be felt in the apartment. She'd known Harper long enough to know she wouldn't just pick up and go without telling her. And why had Rose left? They certainly didn't leave together.

But neither of them left any clue as to where they could have gone.

The only person who may know something, or could at least help her out, was Steven. But she had no way of contacting him. The two never really hated the other, but they weren't at all close enough to have each other's number.

It would be a matter of hunting him down.

Thus, a weird, wild tour of the city's underground had begun. Every club, drug den, and beatnik joint were searched. She was scared throughout but held her constitution for the sake of Harper. Thankfully, the city they lived in was a small one.

In the end, she was feeling hopeless, having searched high and low for him. For all she knew, he and Rose had gotten back together and split the city.

She was now sitting in the café that Violet had taken her to before; dimly lit but bathed in psychedelic lights. She sipped an Irish coffee, lamenting over her predicament.

Then, out of the corner of her eye, someone was noticed coming toward her. She looked up and found that it was Mel. He leered down at her. She didn't find him attractive. His matted facial hair, circular sunglasses and badly dyed mop of brownish blonde fuzz on top of his head made him look like a beatnik pedo in all his denim.

He shoved himself onto the overstuffed couch beside her. "Hey girl," he uttered. "Didn't see you after you went up with Violet."

"I'd rather not remember that," she muttered, looking over at the art on the walls.

"Aww. You don't swing that way, huh? Well that's better for some of us." He wrapped his arm around her, making the girl shrivel.

"Yeah I don't think so."

He leaned into her. "Hey. We don't have to be crass here. I see the way you look at me."

"You must be blind then," she said.

"Hey, Mel, why don't you fuck off," a voice piped in.

Emilia looked up to see Steven standing over them, glaring at him.

Mel raised his hand in defense. "Hey, I didn't know you two had a thing . . ."

"No one would have anything for you, Bastard."

Mel was about to protest, but Steven didn't give him a chance. "No. Shut the fuck up. Besides, she's probably too old for you, anyway. Now fuck off, will you?"

He grabbed Mel by the collar and hauled him onto his feet. "Besides . . ." He swiftly slid his hand into Mel's pants and pulled out a dildo where his dick should be. "You didn't tell her about this, huh?" He threw the phallus across the room and shoved Mel away.

He breathed deeply and then sat beside Emilia.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah?" This surprised him. "I've been laying low, mostly."

"Why? Has anything happened?"

"Oh, no no," he assured her. "I haven't been feeling social recently. Wait." He paused. "Why've you been looking for me?"

"Something's happened to Harper."

She explained the situation. ". . . Not everything's gone, just clothes and basic necessities."

Steve had a mixture of confusion and concern on his face. His brows furrowed as he thought it over. "I don't want to think this, but . . ."

"Yes. I do believe Rose did something to her," Emilia interrupted. She had the idea in the back of her mind this whole time but was reluctant to acknowledge it.

"I hate to say this," he lamented, "but unless someone was in on it, kidnapping is out of the question. Rose didn't have a car."

"I . . ." Emilia was having a hard time controlling her emotions. "I know what you're thinking, and I am too. She probably did Harper in and . . . she's . . . buried somewhere!"

She broke down and began to cry. Steven wrapped his arm around her and held the girl close. He said nothing, letting her get it all out.

Finally, she looked up. "We have to do something. I may seem like a pansy, but I wanna get Rose."

He sighed. "All signs point to her, huh. Well, I agree, she has to be stopped. Lord knows she's going to get worse. She has so far."

"Will you help me?"

"Of course," he smiled. "I wouldn't let you do this alone. Besides, I know her best. Hell, I'll get on it right away. I'm still pissed over what happened, let alone this."

"I just want my revenge." She breathed heavily, letting all her stress out. "No holds barred."

"And you'll get it in spades," he grinned.

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