Chapter 12

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Lily tried to open the door, but Cornelia had locked it. Crying, she was wracked with shame, and above all, guilt. Steven was getting the brunt of her mistake. It relieved her to be free. But things shouldn't be like this.

She crossed the hall towards her room when Rose came up the stairs and smiled upon the sight of her.

"Ah! Just the girl I wanted to see!"

Lily rushed back to the dungeon door. "We've got to open this! Steven's being tortured in there!" she exclaimed.

"Ah, but one must go through some pain in order to receive pleasure," Rose sang as she put her hands on Lily's shoulders. "Besides, we've got business to take care of . . ."

"Please, no," she begged. "I'm not in the mood for any more."

Rose smiled. "But the whole reason why you came here was for fulfillment. Time to make sure you get it."

She began pulling her towards the stairs.

Lily struggled to squirm free. "No. I mean it!"

"And I do too!" Rose dug her fingers into Lily's arms. "You know you want this, and you're gonna get it!"

She yanked her by the arm down the stairs, the hall, and to the study. She threw the poor girl in and shut the door.

"Y'know, I didn't understand what you got out of this whole murder thing at first," Rose explained as she turned to face Lily. "Must be the exultation of watching the life leave someone. The power in knowing that you control their whole existence in that moment."

Lily stared at her with fearful eyes. "Please. Let's not do this."

"It will be done because it's what you need. You made it very clear."

She walked over to the desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a letter opener. She grabbed Lily's hand, shoved it into her palm, and forced her fingers to close around the handle. "Let the games begin," she said with a sly grin.

Rose walked a couple steps back. "Okay, how about I'm a girl walking home late at night and you sneak through the shadows, pull me into an alley, and mutilate my ass!"

"I really don—"

"Come on!" Rose interrupted, clapping her hands to shut Lily up. "Let's get started!"

She straightened herself up, ready to get into character, and snapped at Lily who was observing her, unmoving. "C'mon. Get behind me."

Lily stood there, motionless.

"MOVE BITCH!" Rose shrieked, her expression suddenly menacing.

Terrified, Lily stepped a couple feet behind Rose.

As if a switch had been flicked, Rose's attitude changed back to that of a more tranquil leader. "Okay, good. When I start, feel free to catch me by surprise. It'll make my performance better. Go!"

She began slowly walking forward, over-animating herself as she swayed like some oblivious little girl. She casually looked around as if her mind was in the clouds.

Lily stared at her, unmoving. She was having difficulty processing all that was happening.

When Rose reached the opposite wall, she turned around, infuriated. "What the hell are you doing? Kill me!"

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