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THE LOOSE TENDRILS of the bath mat entangled between the fingers of my legs as I rubbed my soles thoroughly over it. Stepping towards the glass sliding with my bathrobe draped over my form, I drew over the curtains, giving the authority to the bright morning light to march into the room. When I turned around, my eyes found their way to the most precious glimpse of Theodore and Amelia sleeping soundly. Baby Amelia's body was lying on Theodore's chest as his palm shielded her little form from all the foul. Drool was dripping from Amelia's slightly parted lips as she breathed while soft snores were emanating from Theodore's mouth. Unfazed by the intrusion of the sun's scorching rays, they both slept blissfully.

A feeling, very unknown yet known crept over my soul, little by little before I was immersed into it whole. It was like I leaned my hand into an unnamed jar and took hold in order to have a taste. But before my fist could find its way out, the point slipped through between my fingers like deceitful honey. The traces left behind provided a tiny whiff.

Exhaling through my nose while feeling my legs leaden due to applying pressure for a long span, I strode towards my room with a heavy heart full of coal and diamonds in the same jar. It was time to get prepared for the office.


My head snapped at the invading sounds of a series of knocks on my cabin door. Even before I could acknowledge it, there were knocks again.

"Come in," I voiced out loud.

Theodore marched in with a pile of files and papers in his elusive confidence as I stood up in custom.

"Please sit Mrs. Raymond, we haven't got much time at hand." He exhaled loudly and I could predict that he had been zipping up and down the stairs.

"We have to finalize the payment for the contractor and inform me if you know someone who can immediately take over the responsibilities for interior and decorations." He breathed out, pulling the chair and sat adjacent to me.

Shutting my laptop, I pulled my swivel chair towards his direction. Then, I began, "Sir about the matter concerning the payment of the contractor, Mr. McCabe, Chris, and I had already decided. Here it is," I pulled out a single sheet from my drawer and slid it towards him.

His eyes scrutinized the paper briefly as I waited patiently for the clue to carry on. Pleased by the report, he nodded for me to continue. Without wasting a breath I began in my mechanical tone, "About designers, well I had a conversation with Chris and we contacted a few of them-"

"We want the best," he injected.

"Let me complete, sir" I urged him with gritted teeth, "Arthur Easton, the best of the best right now is engaged with Samsung Technologies and it will take him three months to complete his work there-" I spelled each word property, gearing that if I went too fast they'd overlap.

"The next best?"

"Next best is Ms. Neena and we have already reached out to her projects and she seemed phenomenal in what she did. If directed precisely, I can bet she'd do wonders."

"So, is she the one our company can do the best?" He raised one of his eyebrows. I inhaled before nodding an affirmative.

"Great then, secure her for this and ask her to visit tomorrow at whatever time we have room. Also, coordinate and set up an appointment according to her free time. I'll leave you to handle that and one more thing..." he looked around for something.

"Pen?" I queried with pinched brows.

"Yes, please."

I pulled out a Parker from the pen stand on the other end of the table, handing it over to him. The warmth of his palm made the cells of my palm get excited. Snatching away my hand quickly, which didn't get unnoticed by him but he ignored it. I clasped both my hands between my thighs. He penned down figures with a side note for me to remember but I don't know when but I realized that I was losing it - my brain. And as my sanity seeped out my body, a daring, more enthralling energy began taking its place.

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