Chapter 11

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"Thank you," Sandra said as she got out of the van, and waves at Timothy.

"You're welcome, see you later at home," Timothy said.

Sandra entered the university gate.

Timothy went straight home after sending Sandra to school.

"How's sending her to school?" Rae asked Timothy as he entered the house.

"You look in love," Juno teased Timothy.

"She's a good friend to us, so we must be good to her too," Timothy said.

"Really?" -Juno

"Ye," Timothy said.

"Friend?" -Juno

"Ye." -Timothy

"I also did good things for Trixie before when I used to like her," Juno said.

"Malicious," Timothy said.

Meanwhile at the University, Sandra attends her class.

"I saw you when you entered the gate, who drove your van for you?" Reese asked, he is one of Sandra's classmate.

"Why? It's not a big deal if who sent me here?" -Sandra

"For me, it is, you never gave me a chance to fetch you for school nor send you home, that's unfair, and I'm sure that it wasn't your father who sent you," Reese said.

"Just please shut up, focus on class," Sandra said.

"I won't, unless you let me to send you home after your shift at the Hospital," Reese said.

"Okay fine." -Sandra

After her hospital shift, Sandra rode on Reese's car.

"Are you still staying home alone?" -Reese

"No, I have some people with me?" -Sandra

"Boys or Girls?" -Reese

"Why do you ask?"

"To make sure that you're safe."

"I'm definitely safe."

"That's good."

When they arrived n front of Sandra's gate, she immediately went off the car.

"Can I fetch you tomorrow?" -Reese

"No, someone's going to do it tomorrow for me, thanks," Sandra said.

"Okay." Reese said and left.

When Sandra opened the gate, she saw Timothy standing behind.

"So I'll drive for you tomorrow then," Timothy said smiling and went inside the house.

Sandra was left standing in there.

"What is with him? Did he just heard what I said?" Sandra asked herself.

"Hi Sandra!" Rae suddeny greeted her from the back.

"Why are you outside?" -Sandra

"I... ahmmm... I went out to meet a friend, sorry," Rae said. "I'll get inside," Rae added and went inside the house.

"Rae has a friend in the Philippines? Filipino? Korean?" Sandra asked herself again.

"Is talking to oneself, healthy?" A voice asked.

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