CHAPTER 6: Fulfilled Moments

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Aizaw-"

You tripped against one of the students desk, you close your eyes, expecting to fall to the ground until you felt something keeping you from falling. Your head was pressed against a hard figure. You open your eyes, realizing it was a person who was holding you. You look up to see the face and see Bakugo.

"y-you.. caught me.."
Bakugo: "i did.." he whispers, he doesn't want people to hear him saying nice stuff towards you. Thoughts began to flow through your mind, you were instantly captured by Bakugo, you didn't know what these feelings were. All of sudden, your mind went blank and your body began moving on its own.

"ACK!" You push him away, he looks at you confused. Everyone was staring, yk even Mr. Aizawa.

"g-get away from me!"
Bakugo: "Y/n?"

Bakugo's face grew worried.

"I DONT LIKE YOU! I NEVER WILL!" You then turned around and sat down at your desk. Bakugo looks at you. He looks away and goes back to his seat.

what the hell is wrong with me..? why do i say so much hateful things to him.. i don't mean any of it.

After class, you went up to Mr. Aizawa.

"Mr. Aizawa.. you see uhm.." You look around, checking to see if anybody is near. Luckily, nobody was so you turned back to him.

"Do you know if Lovesick's quirk has any side effect..?"
Mr. Aizawa: "What do you mean?"
"Ever since Bakugo snapped me out of being in love with Dabi.. everytime i try to thank him, my mind goes all fuzzy and then i spurt out hateful things.. like what happened today.."
Mr. Aizawa: "Is that all?"
"A-and, whenever i walk away from him, i ended up forgetting what happened.. i mean I can remember what i've said, but i just always think the complete opposite"
Mr. Aizawa: "I'll talk to some others. Maybe there is a side effect, and there will most likely have a cure as well."

You nod and walk out the door. You spotted Mina and Momo on your way out. You wave and run over to them.

Mina: "Hey!!"
You hug them both and started to talk with them while walking back to the dorm.

"I have something to tell you guys."
Mina: "Tell us when we get back"
Momo: "Yeah! I'll set up my room for a meet with the girls, if that's fine of course"
"That'll be great, see you guys!"

You walk away in a hurry. You headed to your room and plopped onto your bed. You slowly close your eyes, embracing the darkness. You felt comfortable and relaxed. You ended up falling asleep.

Once you've woken up, you headed to Momo's room.

Momo: "Finally, we were getting worried"
Ura: "What is it that you had to tell us?"

You sat down on the bed and sigh.

Mina: "Y/n..?"

The room grew quiet as you begin to speak.


All the girls silently squeal.

"He.. makes me feel things.."

Momo: "Like...?????"
"I wanna be near him... everyday.. but... whenever i'm with him.. i snap.."
Asui: "What do you mean?"
"When i'm with him.. my mind just goes all weird and i become so mean to him.."
Ura: "You're in lovee.. you're probably just scared he doesn't have feelings for you.."
Hagakure: "just talk to him"
"I've tried, but it always ends up in a fight"

The girls reassured you that everything will be fine. They gave you some tips and ideas on what do to about it.


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