Now...what kind of life could he have, always being drawn to something he couldn't have? Now that he'd scented his true mate, had skin to skin contact as he'd held him in his arms, his body was going to be thoroughly fucked.

The horrible ruts were just going to get worse for at least a couple of years before his body would finally accept the loss. His scent was going to spike enough that he'd probably have to start showering several times a day and practically smother himself in scent masking products.

Worst of all, if he decided to just move on with his life and let his parents assign him a mate, no bite would ever take. He could marry and produce pups just fine, but he'd never be able to officially mate anyone else in the traditional sense. That would be a big deal-breaker for a lot of people.

Even in this modern world, the wolf and their instincts were still held in high regard. Being married without being mated would be looked at as taboo by his family and their circle, right up there with him mating a beta or becoming a janitor.

Jin sighed as he pulled into the school's parking lot and finds Yoongi standing there with his arms crossed, giving him no chance of escaping unless he drove off and skipped school entirely.

Jin was many things, but a total coward he was not.

He grabbed his bag and slid out of the car, pasting a grin in his face that he hoped would pass for authentic even under the shrewd eyes of Min Yoongi.

"My darling Yoongichi, were you waiting for me? Chivalry isn't dead!" he says dramatically, heading straight for the school building and ignoring Yoongi's grumbles as he tries to catch up to him.

"Don't give me that. I've been trying to call you all weekend. What's going on?"

Jin shrugs, going for nonchalance, even as that subtle fragrance clinging to his friend began to call to him. "I guess all the stress from school got to me. Went into rut early."

"Really?" Yoongi clucks in sympathy. "That sucks. Wait...weren't your parents gone? You spent your rut alone?"

Jin waves away his worry. "I was fine. Some mild cramping. Five packets of beef jerky and a few rounds with myself and my Kumi Koda poster and I'm good to go."

"You're gross," Yoongi groans as he pushes past him to open the door to their first class, which happened to be together.

He was incredibly happy to slide into his first period for once, as that teacher was notorious for not allowing talking and making everyone turn in their phones before class. For now, he was free from any more questions and could simply focus on his shitty schoolwork in peace.

Until lunch, that was.

And when it came around, the nerves roiled in his gut but he sat in his usual spot anyway. He watched his friends quietly as they all settled in like a pack of hyenas on a sugar rush. Yoongi settles into the spot right across from him and Jin nearly groans because that scent is still on him. Understandable, considering. Was he ever going to be able to eat strawberries again without thinking about how fucked up his life was?

"What about you, hyung?"

He snapped to attention when Hoseok jabs him with his elbow. "What?"

"We are heading over to shoot hoops at the park then have dinner at Yoongi's."

"Oh, ah," he stammers, scratching the back of his head as he searches for a way out. "I was going to work on my biology project. Really big deal. At least forty percent of my grade, you know?"

"You can do it there," Yoongi says with a shrug. "Ma has been asking about you, and you know if you make her wait much longer she'll kidnap you."

And that was the heart of his dilemma because the Min household was basically his real home, and he longed to be there. Ached for the feeling of belonging and acceptance that the family gave him. But he also knew that all of it would fly away if they learned the truth.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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