The boys jaws dropped and I felt like I couldn't breathe in that moment.

"Rape kit?" Tino paled.

Dr. Eena nodded, "We are not saying that she was in any way treated like that. But it is a precaution we have to take after the last time she was in here. It will be a while so you can wait if you want but I suggest distracting yourself until then." She smiled pitifully before walking away.

"B-but Uncle s-she can't b-be." Max stuttered with teary eyes.

I blinked rapidly, "It's okay. She'll be okay. It's just a precaution okay? It's just a precaution..." I whispered trailing off.

"Well I'm waiting no matter what. I don't care how long it takes." Leo said determination in his voice.

I sat down and put my head in my hands taking a deep breath.

Something is terribly wrong, I want to ask her as soon as she wakes up but I know I can't. None of us know what happened and asking about it this early can trigger her. I'm not going to put her in a position where it hurts her more to talk about it, but we do need to know what happened.

It's all just fucking bullshit.

An hour passed when we heard shouting and all of us stood up confused. Serafina came out of a room with a glare and the nurses along with Dr. Eena chasing her.

"Stop touching me!" She told a nurse who tried to grab her.

Dr. Eena moved in front of her with her hands up, "Serafina come back to the room. We aren't finished yet, we just need the last part and you're done." Dr. Eena tried to convince her.

Serafina rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. Just leave me alone. I have places to be." She told her before moving around her.

"Serafina." Dr. Eena called out making her stop, "We will drag you back to that room and have restraints put on you. We have to complete the examination with you awake or not. Do you understand?" She asked sternly.

Serafina's eye twitched, "I would love to see you try. If any of you put your crusty fingers on me again without my consent I will put a bullet in your head. Do you understand?!" She asked icily with cold eyes.

The nurses gulped and took a step back, "Serafina we want to help you but we can't if we don't complete the examination." Dr. Eena sighed.

"Serafina?" I asked hesitantly.

Her eyes went to us before going back, "I don't give a fettuccine! Do not take my words lightly. I will do what I said if you touch me, and if you ever speak of restraining me again we will definitely have problems. Now back off." She hissed harshly before leaving.

Dr. Eena walked to us with a worried look, "So as you can see... she won't let us complete the full body examination." She coughed awkwardly.

"What exactly happened?" Val asked curiously.

"We were able to clean up her physical cuts, properly stitch up and bandage her arm. Right as we were about to keep going she woke up and refused the rape kit. We tried to calm her down but she started shouting and pulled out her IV saying she wasn't doing it. She stormed out and well you know the rest." She sighed.

I frowned, "Okay, thank you. Is there any other damage than that?" I questioned sadly.

"She had a cut of her thigh and a few whip marks but luckily they didn't break any skin. They turned out more like welts and should be down in a few days. The cut on her leg wasn't too deep, due to that we just wrapped it so it won't get infected. I can prescribe some painkillers but without her input they will be low doses." Her tone was formal.

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