Chapter 38: Sleep

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The nurses gave me some pudding to eat while I waited for the doctor to come back. They wanted me to eat something before I left the hospital. I still just felt tired. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I didn't want to miss the doctor coming back. I ate my pudding slowly to make sure I didnt get sick. 

Ten minutes later the doctor returned. "Ok. Your family is aware of the situation. I spoke with your mother and she will want you to call her ASAP. I called Seán and he will be here soon. He will call from the parking lot to let us know he is here. Since the virus can spread rapidly, we have restricted who may enter the hospital. A nurse will show you out when he arrives." I nod and thank the doctor. He hands me a bag with my things. My suitcase is at the end of my bed. 

I finish my pudding and check my phone. Molly was texting me for the past hour. I text her saying I am fine but have no way out of the country. She wishes me a speedy recovery. 

I have a text from Seán that was recieved while I was unconscious. Thanks for waiting. I love not saying goodbye. 

I sigh. Hopefully he isn't too mad. I mean he is coming to get me so he can't hate me. 

The nurse comes in. "Ready to go?" She asks.

I nod. The nurse unhooked me from the monitors and takes the IV out. She helps me slowly get out of bed. I put my shoes on and grab my things. I lean on the nurse a little for balance. I was definitely dizzy. My body felt very heavy. The nurse wheeled my suitcase for me. 

The walk out of the hospital felt like it took forever. I was going so slow and needed to stop a few times to catch my breath. When we finally reached the entrance doors, I could see Seán standing next to Mark's car. Mark was in the driver's seat. Both of them had masks on. 

I walked outside and the sun was blinding. I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the bright sunlight. The nurse lead me over to the car. Seán opened the back door for me and I climbed in. I tried to buckle my seatbelt but was clearly having trouble. The nurse clipped it into place. Seán put my suitcase in the trunk. I don't really remember much afterward because once I closed my eyes, I was fast asleep.


When I woke up, I was surrounded by familiar things. It was Seán's bedroom. His dresser, his mirror, bathroom, and his bed. It was very comforting to be in a familiar space. The side table had a glass of water on it. I look around and smile. 

My body felt incredibly heavy. Moving was difficult. I manage to sit myself up with my back against the headboard. I pick up the glass and take a small sip. The water was room temperature but it still felt cool going down my throat. I wait a few seconds before taking another sip. I put the glass down. I finally realize, that I am disgusting. I am really sweaty. My clothes are slightly wet, and my forehead had beads of sweat. Ugh. 

I lay back down and pull the covers up over my head. I drift off to sleep. 


The next time I wake up, the room was dark. The blinds were shut but I  could tell it was later in the day. Almost night. 

I have a little more strength and am able to sit up no problem. The glass of water now has a friend next to it. I slowly drink the first glass and sip from the second. I swing my legs over and let them dangle over the edge. I slip off the bed and go into the bathroom. I still felt a little wobbly, but it wasn't as bad. 

I looked horrible. The only thing I could think of was sweat. I close the bathroom door and start to undress. I turn the water on and step into the shower. The water felt good on my skin. I let the water cover my body. I used the bar of soap and washed away the sweat. Seán still had my shampoo and conditioner in the shower so I was able to wash my hair too. 

I turn the water off and try to step out of the shower but my foot hit the side of the bathtub and I go tumbling onto the floor. "Shit." I say. 

I hear footsteps coming closer and the bathroom door opens. "Nalia!" Seán bends down to get on my level. He grabs my hand stands me up. "Are you ok?" 

I look down at my foot. "I just tripped. I'm alright." Seán was still holding my hand. It felt good despite the dizziness I was feeling. 

Then he let's me go. I frown and look at him. "Stay there, I'll go get your suitcase so you can get dressed." 

I dry myself off and walk back into the bedroom. Seán enters wheeling my suitcase in. He throws it on the bed and unzips it. I walk over to him and look at my suitcase. It had a few things of clothes but not much. I grab shorts and a tshirt and put them on. Seán puts the suitcase on his dresser. He scratches the back of his neck, obviously looking at me in his mirror. I blush. 

Seán  turns around. "How are you feeling?" 

I sit down on the bed. "Ok. I don't feel warm anymore so I'm guessing my fever is gone. I don't feel as tired either but more sluggish." 

We both look at the ground. I knew he wanted to ask about why I left him in bed before my flight, but he wouldn't bring it up if I was ill. I sigh and start it for him. "You want to talk about it?" 

Seán looks up at me. There was sadness in his blue eyes. I hated seeing him like this. I wanted the happy go lucky Seán back. I knew I would hurt him by leaving, but I messed up big time because I was selfish. 

Seán leans against his dresser and crosses his arms. "Why didn't you wake me up?" 

I look at my feet. "I didn't want to say goodbye." I whisper. 

Seán shakes his head. "Nalia-" 

I interrupt him. "It was selfish of me. I know that now." 

"It was selfish." Seán snaps. I flinch a little. "I wanted to see you off. I wanted to make sure you boarded safely." 

I look into his deep blue eyes. "I'm so sorry Seán." I motion around his room. "And I'm sorry I'm still here. I didn't know who else to call. I couldn't put Sabine through this. Her family is high risk. You told me your family lived in Ireland so I thought…" I trailed off, feeling tears forming in my already puffy eyes. 

"Nalia." Seán stands in front of me. He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my gaze to his. "Of course I would come to your aid. I couldn't leave you alone in this country with no where to go." 

I stand up and hug him. He squeezes me tight. After realizing what I'm doing I push back on his chest. He looks at me confused. "You probably shouldn't touch me. I might infect you." 

Seán shrugs. "Having you in my apartment puts me at risk." He let's me go. "Besides, someone has to change your sweaty sheets." 

Jacksepticeye And Nalia (Jacksepticeye X OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang