Chapter 9: Disappointment

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My next few weeks weren't very exciting. I lived and breathed university.  I would make an exception and go to Ezra's apartment on Friday nights to have some fun. Mark and Seán came over more. Seán and I got really close, or as close as Natalie would allow us. Natalie even came to Friday game night a couple times. She seemed bored most of the time but she did try. 

For the zoo I was switched from the herpetology building to the primate area. I wasn't sure how this would go. The keepers told me to wear my hair in a bun because some of the animals liked to grab hair. I wasn't allowed full contact but they would reach out and grab hair. Kris texted me daily to get a feeling for what I was doing. There were times that he had to go because his wife needed something. This made me feel better. There was no way he could be flirting with me if he has a wife...right?

I was horribly wrong. It was a month and a half into the semester. I was in the big cat house now. Kris had texted me on this Wednesday because it was his day off. 

Kris: do you miss the herp building?

Me: ya i don't think big cats are for me. I just want to cuddle them

Kris: lol that's not a good idea

Me: I know but what if they are cranky because they need hugs?

Kris: I would except a hug from you

I blinked a few times: animals are the only ones who get my hugs

Kris: your such a tease

Me: go hug your wife

Kris: your no fun I'm trying to flirt with you

I was getting more uncomfortable by the moment: your married…

Kris: so?

Me: don't you love her?

Kris: of course but we have an open relationship 

Me: I don't understand how you could agree to that

Kris: like I've said, sex is just sex and I think about you sometimes

Me: you do?

Kris: I've imagined you and me in the turtle building. No cameras or people around

Me: …..

Kris: have I made you uncomfortable? Is it because of my age? Age is just a number

Me: it's age and everything

Kris: just think about it

Me:I really don't want to. I can't wrap my head around you having a wife

Kris: she sleeps with others. This all started because I found out she cheated on me. We agreed that we can sleep with others just don't tell the other about it

This really didn't sit right with me. Did I feel attracted to him, yes I did and it confused me. He is married and his wife let's him sleep with others. I couldn't process it. I didn't want to just have sex. I wanted love. I wouldn't be able to tell anyone about it. I knew everyone would disagree with the relationship. Everything in me is telling me no. 

Then my mind went another way. I felt horrible. Did Kris do this to other interns? This is very inappropriate. I felt like crying. 

I exited out of that conversation and went to text Seán. 

Me: are you busy?

Seán: just editing a video. What's up?

Me: can I come over?
I couldn't believe I typed that.

Jacksepticeye And Nalia (Jacksepticeye X OC)Where stories live. Discover now