See yeah later, not Goodbye

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Seán ended his stream an hour and a half later. I was in his room gathering my things into the suitcase I still had. I really didn't have much to pack, as there wasn't much in there to begin with. I hear the door open as I zip the suitcase shut. I turn around and Seán is leaning against the door. He bites his lower lip as his eyes lower to the floor. He scratches the back of his neck. "So it's time?" 

I tuck some hair behind my ear. "Yeah." I say quietly. 

Seán crosses his arms. "When does the plane leave?" 

I gulp. "Three and half hours." 

Seán sighs and walks over next to me. He grabs my suitcase and starts out the door. I follow him and we both put our shoes on. I grab our masks and Seán his. We both look at each other and I take his hand. "Let's go." He squeezes my hand and leads me out the door. 


Seán was able to walk me all the way to security. I couldn't hear anything he said to me. I know I would remember later, but at that moment I wanted to memorize every little thing about him. His beard, mustache, his gauges, and try to remember his tattoos. I would miss his blue eyes. They were a weakness to me. 

When we finally hugged, I felt at home. Despite my family being in America, Seán was my family here. It's hard to see me without him, but unfortunately we live in different countries. Seán's eyes were turning red and I knew he was going to cry. I shake my head. "You can't cry, because I'll cry." 

Seán chuckles. " I can't help it." He kisses my forehead. "See yeah around love. I enjoyed our time together." 

I smile. "I loved our time together. " I turn to walk towards security. I can't looked back. I don't think I could get on the plane if I did. I took a deep breath and got in line. I passed through security and away from the first love of my life.

Jacksepticeye And Nalia (Jacksepticeye X OC)Where stories live. Discover now