"Y/N I know your pissed at me.... I just wanna say that I'm sorry." He said quietly.

"What?" I said turning around to face him now.

"I thought it would be funny for ChoHee to work with us again. I knew that if she worked with us she would try to get with Namjoon again........ I saw how it affected you and it really wasn't funny... Too be truthful I did it because I liked you a lot but you and Namjoon belong with each other." He said

I couldn't believe it. Was Kyong really apologizing? I have to say I'm shocked really.

"Well..... I appreciate you apologizing to me." I said to him.

He looked up and smiled. "I was kinda hoping we could be friends."

I laughed a little. "I think we still have a ways to go before that happens. Until then let's be the best coworkers." I told him.

"You're right." He laughed. "You know you do a good job editing the songs right? Maybe you could take ChoHee's job."

Before I could say anything his date was waving at him from a table.

"Is that your date?" I asked

"Yeah I'm actually trying a relationship this time." He said smiling.

He walked to his table and I walked back to mine with a plate of fruit and took a seat beside Namjoon.

"What was that all about with Kyong?" Namjoon asked

"I know. You're never going to believe this but I think he's done being an asshole. He's even apologized and he's in a relationship." I said to him

He looked at me wide eyed while putting a grape in his mouth.

He looked at me wide eyed while putting a grape in his mouth

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"Really??? That's shocking." He said

We all finished eating our food and it was time for dancing. The newlyweds chose Serendipity to dance to because it was the song playing for their proposal.

We all danced to the song. Everyone has a partner to dance with. Jimin and Tae are dancing with girls they met last night. Namjoon and I shook our heads at them laughing because we couldn't believe they invited them. Minnie and Jin were dancing. Ben and Elaine were dancing. Hobi and Yoongi were just sitting at a table drinking and laughing together.

I then saw him standing a little to the side of the dance floor. It was our Jungkook holding a champagne glass swaying to the music by himself.

I was absolutely devastated when I saw him. Namjoon saw him also and made a sad face. The song ended and a few moments later another slow song started playing. It was a Korean love song but I didn't know the name of it.

"Why don't you dance with Jungkook." Namjoon said to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked

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