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the messed up family all walked outside behind luther, into the pouring rain, to have a funeral for their dead dad. everyone had a black umbrella besides luther who didn't honestly care if he got wet. and diego, who was just stubborn. oh, and klaus who has a clear pink umbrella.

roxy was standing under allison's umbrella, for she was too lazy to carry her own.

"did something happen?" the adults mom asked with a smile on her face. "dad died. remember?" allison asked getting a little concerned. "oh yes, of course" the robotic mom said with the smile dropping from her face. "is mom okay?" allison asked diego. "yeah, yeah she's fine. she just needs to rest you know. recharge," diego said looking at the mom adoringly.

he has always been the closest child to her, even if she was a robot. he had always thought the robot had feelings, along with roxy.

"whenever your ready dear boy," pogo said, walking on his cane near the adults. luther nodded and opened the vase. he then dumped out his father's ashes to floor, thinking they would fly away. but they didn't; they just sat on the floor in a pile.

roxy let out a laugh before luther gave her a look which made her become silent once again. "probably would have been better with some wind," he said quietly. "you got that right," roxy mumbled. allison elbowed her in her side causing roxy to let out a quiet "ow."

"does anyone wish to speak?" pogo asked looking around at the family. nobody answered. roxy was really restraining herself from raising her hand and saying how their father doesn't even deserve this. he was such a terrible man; they shouldn't be honoring him.

"very well," pogo said when nobody answered him. "in all regards, sir reginald hargreeves made me what i am today. for that alone, i shall forever be in his debt. he was my master, and my friend, and i shall miss him very much. he leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"-he was a monster" diego interrupted. klaus let out a laugh. "i preach to that," roxy said enthusiastically earning her a smirk from diego and a scowl from luther.

roxy was a complicated person, you either loved her or hated her. in diego's case, he loved her. she was always his favorite sibling. roxy also had a deep liking for diego. in luther's case, he hated her. it seemed to bother him that she was so carefree and opinionated. he didn't like that she would always speak her mind, even if other people (like him) wouldn't like it.

"he was a bad person and a worse father." diego continued staring at the ashes.

"diego," allison said, earning her a smack on the arm from roxy urging her to let him continue.

"my name is number two," diego said looking at allison.

"you know why? because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names," diego said getting more mad. "he had mom do it."

"would anyone like something to eat?" their mom said plastering a creepy smile over face once again. "no it's okay mom," vanya said giving the robot a sweet smile.

"oh okay," the robot said smiling.

"look you wanna pay your respects," diego said walking forward. "go ahead."

"but at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"you should stop talking now," luther said to diego looking like he could snap necks.

"oh wonderful! dear old daddy's boy is gonna join the conversation!" roxy said clapping. five grinned at her, along with klaus. "oh my god," allison said sighing at the girls childish behavior.

"you know, you of all people should be on my side here, number one," diego said walking towards luther. "oh my god- he went there," roxy whispered looking over to klaus. "this isn't gonna end well," klaus said back, gossiping with girl like they were teenagers.

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