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roxy hargreeves was in the middle of flirting with a random, pretty eighteen year old she found leaving her high school when roxy's phone buzzed. she pulled away from her, checking her phone, leaving the girl disappointed.


the young girl laughed and shoved her phone back into her pockets. she looked back at the girl. "hate to break it to you, but my dad just died, gotta go," she said winking as she walked away from her. the girl didn't know what to say to the girl laughing at her own father's death, so she just let her walk away.

a couple of hours later, roxy showed up at her home- what she likes to call 'hell'.

exiting the taxi, the cab driver stopped the girl, "hey, you have to pay for this." the girl rolled her eyes and turned back around. she made eye contact with the driver and fake pouted, "do i really?" her eyes turned purple. the taxi driver noticed that she was the most gorgeous girl he has ever seen- or so he thought. "oh-uh, no you don't it's fine" he stammered getting lost in the girls wicked eyes.

"'kay, thanks!" she said turning back around and slamming the car door. even though roxy absolutely hated the umbrella academy, she loved her powers.

roxy, unlike the other kids, was blessed powers.

one - roxy was able to enchant anyone into falling head over heels for her, so she could get or do anything her heart desires. it was sick and twisted manipulation, but she didn't care. it only lasted a few minutes anyways. this power was debatably the most useful power out of all her siblings. the only catch was, when she used it, it would give her a headache. the more she used it, the worse the migraine got.

and two- when roxy hums, the vibrations send out very strong sound waves, allowing the people around to her to hear a very high pitched frequency. a frequency that could burst people's eardrums. roxy doesn't use this power a lot, as she doesn't have good control over it. her father didn't let her practice it when she was younger because he thought it was too powerful, and it is.

you might be asking, if she was born in 1989, why is she kissing a teenager? well let me answer that for you. roxy's mind is 30, but her body is still 16. when she was younger, and on a mission with her siblings, one of the mad scientists knocked her unconscious and injected something into her, which would stunt her from aging- forever.

her father tried to find the antidote, but never succeeded. roxy came to the conclusion that she would just live forever, or maybe just until the world ended.

she walked up the stairs of her old home, with her hand on her head trying to ease the pain, and swung open the doors. she noticed she was the last one to get there. she saw everyone sitting and standing around each other in the common area.

"miss me?" she asked loudly closing the doors and going near her siblings. "roxy, you're late," luther said as she was walking over to them. "hey, luthy, i missed you to," she said giving him a wink, to which he just rolled her eyes at.

klaus stood up and engulfed the girl in a hug. the young girl laughed. klaus pulled away and took a good look at her. "well, you haven't grown," he said to her as his hands were on her shoulders. she shoved him away, "no shit".

allison walked over to roxy. "hey, roxy, it's good to see you," she said as she gently hugged the young teenager, receiving a hug back. "hi ally it's good to see you to." allison smiled at the nickname roxy gave her from a young age.

"hey, roxy," vanya said quietly. roxy scoffed with distaste, "writing a second book v?" vanya looked down at her hands with a frown. "look, roxy-" vanya said almost pleading with the girl.

out of all the siblings, the book affected roxy the most. she thought so highly of vanya- she even thought they were friends, that was until vanya spilled every single secret or feeling roxy has ever told her into that book. roxy felt hurt and betrayed, and wasn't very good at dealing with emotions.

"-no, i really don't wanna hear it," roxy said as she walked over to sit next to diego. "how's my fiery little sister doing?" diego asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, rubbing her head, only for her to smack his hand away. "i'm the same age as you, dick."

luther clears his throat. "so i thought we could have the memorial service at sundown, by dad's favorite tree." roxy rolled her eyes, bored already.

"dad had a favorite tree?" allison asked confused.

"uh the big elm?" luther looked at his siblings bewildered that they don't know what he was talking about. "he um.. he used take me out there to sit and we'd talk."

"not all of us sucked dad's mental dick on a daily, big guy," roxy said as she gave a sarcastic smile towards luther.

"what the hell- it doesn't matter, there are bigger things we need to discuss," luther said, annoyed at the young adult.

"will there be refreshments?" klaus asked the gorilla man hopefully. luther looked at him like he was stupid. roxy's eyes lit up. "OOOH, what about s'mores? will there be s'mores?" roxy asked excitedly.

"what? no," luther was loosing his patience with the young girl. the two never really got along, even when they were younger.

"luther, you said there a bigger thing we need to discuss. like what?" allison asked ignoring the discussion that was taking place.

"like the way dad died," luther said letting out a sigh.

diego knew what was coming, "and here we go." roxy let out an amused laugh.

"i thought it was a heart attack," vanya said confused.

"according to the coroner," luther said bluntly.

"well wouldn't he know?" vanya was lost.



everyone being confused as to what luther was going on about lasted for a few more minutes until diego spoke up. "you're implying that one of us killed dad." everyone looked at luther. "i never said that," luther said defensively.

"really, luther?" allison said a little hurt, standing up.

luther just looked at her as she started walking away, along with everyone else. "wait guys no.." luther said defeated not knowing what to do. "be right back- i'm gonna go kill mom," klaus said walking up the stairs. roxy got up from the couch and followed klaus out of the room. "great family meeting, luthy," roxy said as she winked at him. "i told you to stop calling me that, roxy," luther yelled annoyed.

"never in your wildest dreams" roxy said, turning around to walk up the stairs. luther groaned and sat down on the couch. 'can that girl every stop flirting with everyone with every chance she gets?' luther thought to himself.

HI MY LOVES. sry this first chapter is a little short! i'm gonna start writing longer ones<3

published sept 6, 2020.

edited june 19, 2021.

as the world caves in, f. hargreevesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن